
Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia Review

Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia Review

Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia is a supplement sold by this popular vendor. Read our Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia reviews from editors and readers.

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About Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia

The garcinia cambogia craze began in late 2012 when Dr. Oz aired hailed it as a “holy grail” of weight loss. Since then, the internet has been flooded by vendors and affiliate marketers selling the product. Perhaps not coincidentally, Whole Body Research came into existence only about a month after that episode of Dr. Oz, and garcinia cambogia was among their first offerings.

Below is the product page for garcinia cambogia at Whole Body Research:


Their description of the product reads:

Our Garcinia Cambogia uses only the finest ingredients specifically sourced from the best farms in Asia. We’re proud to not only follow, but exceed, Dr. Oz’s guidelines for Garcinia Cambogia supplements.

When you choose Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia, you get 60% HCA extract, and potassium without any fillers, binders, or synthetic ingredients. We research our product thoroughly and put it through rigorous third-party testing to guarantee we always deliver the highest quality Garcinia Cambogia we possibly can.

It should be pointed out that Dr. Oz has urged his viewers not to do business with anyone who uses his name or likeness.

Be sure to read our recent Whole Body research review, and take note of the reader comments, as some have had problems particularly regarding ordering and shipping.

How much does Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia Cost?

  • 1 bottle, 30-day supply: $44.99
  • 3 bottles, 90-day supply: $120.12
  • 6 bottles, 180-day supply: $224.05

Our Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia Review

The garcinia cambogia offering from Whole Body Research does meet the criteria suggested by Dr. Oz back in 2012. Each serving is 3 pills, which amounts to 150mg of potassium and 1500mg of garcinia cambogia.

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We obtained several bottles of Whole Body Research’s garcinia cambogia, and had our testers try out the product. As with other brands of garcinia cambogia, the results were mixed. The pills were easy to swallow and no side effects were reported. Some testers felt it worked, while others didn’t. This is in line with the hundreds of reader comments we have received about garcinia cambogia in general over the past year.

Keep in mind that, even a year and a half after the Dr. Oz episode aired, the jury is still out on the effectiveness of garcinia cambogia. See over 500 of our reader reviews here for a good sampling of mixed opinions on the supplement.

The effectiveness of garcinia cambogia seems to vary from person to person, for a variety of reasons, including diet, exercise, body composition, and lifestyle.

Garcinia cambogia is widely available online, in health shops, and even in grocery stores. At $45 a bottle, the Whole Body Research offering is on the high end of the cost spectrum. You should be able to easily find a bottle of 60% HCA garcinia locally for under $40. Online, we easily found bottles of garcinia cambogia at Vitamin Shoppe and Vitacost for under $15.

For more info on purchasing garcinia, you may want to read our article about how to select the right brand of garcinia cambogia.

Whole Body Research

As mentioned above, we have received numerous complaints about Whole Body Research, particularly relating to shipping and ordering. Those experiencing problems with their orders have expressed difficulty in contacting the company. If you are looking to try garcinia cambogia, Whole Body Research is probably not the place to start.

Bottom Line

Whole Body Research’s offering of garcinia cambogia appears to be a valid product, but it is on the high end of the cost spectrum. Much less expensive options are readily available.

Your Whole Body Research Garcinia Cambogia Reviews

Have you purchased Garcinia Cambogia from Whole Body Research? Let us hear from you in the comments below.

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