
Eggstractor Reviews: Does it Work?

Eggstractor Reviews: Does it Work?

Eggstractor is an As Seen on TV product which is marketed as a way to peel hard boiled eggs without the hassle.

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About Eggstractor

Eggstractor, a play on the word “extractor,” is said to peel hard boiled eggs in three steps: Tap the top of the egg and place vertically in the chamber, cover and press down on the “peeling billow.”

The product is said to work by applying pressure to the air pocket in the shell. This pressure foreces the egg to eject through the shell and out the bottom of the device.

The current official product website is, which was registered in August 2014. It appears that the product was originally marketed in early 2004 and has recently been seen advertising in 2015.

How much does Eggstractor cost?

Online: If you purchase from the official website, Eggstractor costs $14.99 plus $7.99 shipping. A second “free” item is included for another $7.99, which brings your total amount to $30.97. Keep in mind that you can’t opt out of the second free item.

In stores: Eggstractor is readily available in local and online stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond or Fry’s for about $14.99. You can also find it in As Seen on TV sections of many retailers.

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Eggstractor Reviews

As with many As Seen on TV products, reviews for Eggstractor have not been flattering. In 2013 Huffington Post published an article entitled (in part) The Eggstractor Cannot Possibly Work…” Their test concluded that 3 out of 11 eggs tested came out with half of the shell still on, while the remaining 8 “basically exploded.”

In 2015 KOMO News also put the product to the test and concluded that it doesn’t always work and that some of the eggs come out with pieces of shell still attached to the egg.

On Amazon, the product rates just under 2 stars, with reviews dating back over 10 years.

Several other news outlets have put the product to the test, and most have reported lukewarm to unfavorable results.

 Search History

The Google search history in the chart below shows two surges in interest for the product dating back to 2004. The first surge occurred in early 2004, while the second smaller surge occurred in early 2015.

Bottom Line

Eggstractor is a decade-old As Seen on TV product which has seen less than favorable reviews. Several media outlets have put the item to the test, and most have reported disappointing results.

If you want to try the product yourself, I recommend picking it up locally to avoid excessive shipping costs and delays.

Your Turn

Have you tried Eggstractor? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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James White specializes in internet hoaxes, travel, product reviews, and social media.

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