
Perfect Bacon Bowl Reviews and Product Info

Perfect Bacon Bowl Reviews and Product Info

Perfect Bacon Bowl is a product which allows you to create a crunchy bowl made entirely of bacon. Read our Perfect Bacon Bowl reviews from editors and readers.

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About Perfect Bacon Bowl

The name of this product changed several times in 2013. Originally marketed as “Bacon Bowl,” it was later advertised as “Bacon Basket,” then “Perfect Bacon Pan” and finally “Perfect Bacon Bowl.” The product has returned in late 2014 with a new marketing campaign.

Three different websites have been used to market the product:

  • – Registered May 19, 2013. Now fowards to
  • – Registered August 7, 2013. Now fowards to
  • – Registered December 5, 2012.

Cost and Availability of Perfect Bacon Bowl

Online. A set of two Perfect Bacon Bowls costs $10 plus $4.95 processing and handling for a total of $14.95. A recipe guide is also included. A second set is included “free” for an additional $4.95 P&H.

Note that when ordering online, you cannot opt out of this “free” second set, so the total you should expect to pay is $19.90.

Locally. Perfect Bacon Bowl is readily available from third party online vendors and at local retailers. The price varies considerably, from $6 on sale, up to about $11.

Below are two screenshots of the official website from 2013 and 2014:

perfect bacon bowl website 2014

This is a screenshot of the official Perfect Bacon Bowl website from December 3, 2014.

This is a screen shot of the official website, taken in October 2013.

This is a screen shot of the website as it appeared in October 2013.

Television Commercial

Below is the Fall 2014 television spot for “Perfect Bacon Bowl.”

Transcript of earlier television commercial

Below is a transcript of the 2013 television commercial which was originally found on the official website.

Everybody loves bacon! The sizzle, the scent, the mouth-watering taste. Didn’t think it could get any better? Watch, we’re turning bacon upside down. Introducing Perfect Bacon Bowl. Eggs and hash browns for breakfast? It’s better in a Bacon Bowl. BLT for lunch? Perfect Bacon Bowl makes a whole new way to munch. Just wrap your favorite cut of bacon around the Perfect Bacon Bowl form and cook. The easy way to make delicious, edible bowls out of bacon for fun, savory, crunch-able yum. In just minutes you’ll have tasty, toasty, perfect bacon bowls. The unique design allows the bacon to crisp up evenly while grease collects in the channel so you can pour it out of your diet. Now everything’s better in a Perfect Bacon Bowl. Perfect Bacon Bowl cooks bacon perfection in the oven, microwave and toaster oven too. Kids want mac and cheese? Serve the perfect portion that’s sure to please. Craving burgers on game night? Stack ’em up in perfect bacon bowls and pile on the toppings. And try this, a bacon bowl ice cream sundae. Salty, sweet, and fun to eat. Perfect Bacon Bowl makes bacon the star of every dish. And it’s not just for bacon, make mouth watering bread bowls for pizza bites, soups, stews, and more! And it’s all dishwasher safe, so clean up’s a breeze. Call now to get two Perfect Bacon Bowls for $10. Order now and get the Everything’s Better in a Bacon Bowl cookbook with bacon ideas filled with bacon-rific ideas; Bacon bowl meatloaf, blue cheese burger bowl and more; yours free! But wait, order right now and get twice the Perfect Bacon Bowls free, just pay separate processing and handling. That’s four Perfect Bacon Bowls plus the cookbook all for only $10. Call or log on to That’s

Our Perfect Bacon Bowl Review

In our evaluation of the Perfect Bacon Bowl, we found that it worked about as expected. Lining the Perfect Bacon Bowl and creating a bowl out of bacon has limited use for most consumers, but bacon enthusiasts are sure to find creative ways to use this product. The most obvious flaw in the product, however, is not if it works, but that it can be easily duplicated by using a regular muffin tin.

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Perhaps this “flaw” is the reason the Huffington Post blasted the product in July 2013 with an article entitled, ‘Bacon Bowl’ May Be The Most Useless Gadget We’ve Seen Yet. It’s also possible that this high-profile lambasting could be at least part of the reason for the sudden re-branding of the product immediately after that article was posted.

Despite the harsh criticism out of the gate from the Huff Post, Perfect Bacon Bowl has seemed to thrive among its As Seen on TV competition. The fact that the product is still advertising 18 months after it first hit the market is a telling sign about its popularity. Indeed, Amazon customers rate the product 3.5 stars.

A few reviewers have pointed out that the bacon sticks to the sides or that establishing an optimal cooking time can be a matter of trial and error.

It would appear, however, that the negative comments are in the minority, and bacon lovers appear to have largely embraced Perfect Bacon Bowl.

Bottom Line

The product works as advertised, although it may require a learning curve to create your “perfect” bowl. Purchase the product locally to avoid shipping charges and delays. Buying locally also seems to yield the best price on the product.

Your Bacon Bowl Reviews

Have you used Perfect Bacon Bowl? Let us hear from you in the comments below.

Updated December 3, 2014
Originally published October 2013

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