A fake movie poster circulating online shows Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson starring in the role of Johnny Bravo.
Is that photo real? Did Donald Trump really say that? Fear not confused Netizen, as we have the answers for the most questions regarding what is fake online this week.
Is it true that we only use 10% of our brains? Today we’ll take a closer look at this pervasive urban myth.
A long-running urban legend warns that drivers who flash their headlights at a car driving without its lights on may prompt a carload of gang members to chase and kill them as part of a gang initiation.
In 1995, Fox television featured a program allegedly showing a military autopsy of an alien recovered from a 1947 flying saucer crash at Roswell, New Mexico. Over a decade later in 2006, several people involved in creating the film came forward to admit the footage was a hoax. Today we take a look...
For the truly lazy internet reader we’ve compiled a quick look at some of the top fake stories floating around social media this week.
A vintage photo of The Shields Brothers hit the top of the “Most Viral Images” list on Imgur in January 2016. Today we take a look at the photo and the claims behind it.
A video shows an airliner making an emergency landing, using a pickup truck in place of failed landing gear. Is this video real or fake?
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