I’ve been noticing comment threads containing these “Kathy will find you” posts lately. If we are to believe the post, a girl named Kathy who killed herself wants you to repost this comment or she will find you and something terrible will happen. Three examples are cited as “proof” of the email....
A story claims that people are stamping “No God But Allah” on dollar bills, right next to the “In God We Trust” line on the back. But is this true? This story originally cropped up last summer and has resurfaced, so we thought it was time for a Waffles treatment of it.
Does the video below show reptilian shape-shifting among members of Congress? The creator of the video makes many claims and comments expressing just that implication – that we are seeing our leaders morphing into reptiles, all of which is caught on camera. But is it real? Lets’ take a look at the...
Does the video below show NASA astronauts discussing a UFO outside of the shuttle Atlantis? In the video, we hear discussion about objects outside of the shuttle and attempts to figure out what they are. At first glance, it appears to be a compelling UFO sighting. Upon further review, it can be...
A photo circulating online today shows a dog helplessly dangling from the back of an SUV in a sack, it’s snout tied with tape. Is this photo real? Unfortunately, the photo and the story are genuine. When I first saw the picture, it seemed so ridiculous that I thought it had to...
Today we look at the story of a racist airline passenger, outraged at having to sit next to a passenger of another race. After the ensuing argument, the person of color is moved to first class to accommodate the racist. Is this story true or false?
A story circulating on Facebook shows a badly injured dog and includes the caption: This puppy was abused. For every ‘share’, the humane society will donate $1 towards his surgery.
This is one that just won’t go away. Just last week I saw some graphic photos of a baby (below) with a horrible skin condition being passed around on Facebook. The caption stated that this baby had cancer and Facebook was donating 3 cents for every share. “Please save this baby” the...