A passenger train smashed into a trailer truck, detaching the trailer and injuring the driver, in the Czech Republic.
A YouTube group has successfully created a McDonald’s chicken nugget vending machine made entirely out of Legos.
In 1994, a double murder suspect was granted a retrial because some jury members used a Ouija board to convict him.
It has been claimed that an image of two “car towers” depicts an amazing circular parking facility. Is this real or fake? Today we’ll take a closer look.
A woman was handed a card while on the London Underground from “Overweight Haters Ltd.”
An image shows a photographer whose shoes and tripod are on fire as he takes a photo on an active volcano. Is the image real or fake?
A post circulating online claims that a secret card can be found under the lid of a Cards Against Humanity box.
A photo heavily circulating online shows beetles attached to the roof of a dog’s mouth. A warning is included to check your dog’s mouth for similar infestation.
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