Today we take a look at the possible dangers of sleeping with a cell phone under your pillow or near your head. In short: It can be dangerous for multiple reasons.
Is graviola (or soursop), which comes from a tropical evergreen tree, a cure for cancer? Today we take a closer look at the online rumors.
Today we noticed a new miracle product being advertised online, this time for Russian Monster Mix, which is claimed to be a “steroid alternative” that is sold out until next month. Because the advertising hype seemed too good to be true, we decided to investigate a little further.
Have you experienced upset stomach when taking vitamins? It’s a fairly common complaint, but fortunately there are things you can do to prevent this from happening.
Do you have high blood, or hypertension, and are looking for some natural alternatives to traditional medications to control it? Below we have some ideas of things you can do to keep your blood pressure in check.
It has been about two and a half years since I first wrote about my plight with itchy legs when engaging in certain exercises. Today it’s time for an update.
Below is a first-hand experience of one of the writers here at Waffles, regarding a urinary tract infection, the antibiotic Cipro, and possible side effects. This story is one person’s experience and not meant to diagnose or cure anything. Having spent most of the past week dealing with a urinary tract infection, and...
It’s hard not to sneeze without someone warning you to take Vitamin C to stave off a cold. In fact, for decades, Vitamin C has been heralded as a cure-all of everything from cancer to the common cold. Can Vitamin C be used to cure the cold, or any ailment for that...
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