A persistent rumor states that Facebook will begin charging for access to the website. One variant also claims that Twitter will also begin charging for its services. Despite categorical denials by officials whenever the rumor surfaces, rumors of “membership fees” have resurfaced several times over the past few years. Today we look closer at...
A story reported by major news outlets claims that Mexican drug lord El Chapo has declared war on ISIS. The story, however, is a hoax.
A news item circulating online states that 42 million Americans were killed during Black Friday. Is this true or false?
A report circulating online claims that President Obama has proclaimed December 2015 to be “National Muslim Appreciation Month.”
A news item circulating on social media asserts that over two hundred people died after consuming Patti’s Sweet Potato Pie. The story, however, is completely fake.
A letter allegedly written by Sean Connery to Steve Jobs in 1998 has circulated for several years. In the letter, Connery blasts Apple and angrily demands, “Please do not contact me again.” Is this letter real?
A fake news article circulating online suggests that the planet will experience 15 days of darkness in late November 2015.
A fake news item claims that Yelp is suing the creators of South Park over a recent episode that pokes fun at the site’s users.
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