
Dr. Brownstein Reviews

Dr. Brownstein Reviews

Dr. David Brownstein is a controversial doctor who advertises books and DVD’s on holistic medicine. Read our reviews of Dr. David Brownstein’s claims made in his advertising.

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The Advertising

Many readers first stumble upon the writings of Dr. Brownstein through advertising, such as an ad (see right) claiming “5 warning signs that cancer is starting in your body.” This ad sends you to an article on NewsMaxHealth, which provides no substantial information, but instead pushes a “complimentary video documentary” which reveals “startling findings.”

This ad for Dr. Brownstein has been running in April 2014.

This ad for Dr. Brownstein was seen running in April 2014.

The Video

The advertisements feed into which could be described as a white board “instructional” video. This rambling sales pitch does not allow you to pause, fast forward, or rewind the video. Dr. Brownstein continually dangles a carrot throughout the presentation about a “special report” that will be available at the end of the presentation. Completing the video is a testament to the patience of those who can sit through it.

In this long presentation, a few ways to prevent cancer are suggested, such as quitting smoking, avoiding iodine deficiency, avoiding GMO’s and artificial sweeteners, and avoiding processed foods. No specifics are given, as these are saved for the report that you can get by trying a no-risk subscription to his newsletter that costs “just 15 cents a day.”

Dr. Brownstein

David Brownstein is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University School of Medicine and has written 11 books – all of which are for sale on his websites. His primary website appears to be, while is also used for advertising purposes.


He offers controversial views on a variety of health topics: referring to flu vaccines as “worthless,” Acetaminophen as “dangerous,” for example.

In addition to books and DVD’s, his website also sells two supplements: Celtic Sea Salt and Iodoral. Iodoral is an iodine/potassium supplement which can only be purchased if you also buy his book/DVD entitled, “Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 5th Edition.” The book is $18 and Iodoral is $40.50.

A telling sign about the reputation of Dr. Brownstein is seen with a Google search. The second suggestion when typing his name is “Dr David Brownstein quack.”



One of Dr. Brownstein’s most popular – and controversial – subjects is that of iodine deficiency. He has written extensively on the topic, and sells an iodine supplement on this website. As stated earlier, you can only get this supplement (at a cost of $40.50) if you also buy his book on the topic for $18. He claims in his video that “over 96% of my patients are iodine-deficient and most are severely deficient.”

In the video, Brownstein states that people have their reduced salt intake in recent decades, and that the amount of iodine in iodized salt is still not enough for most people. “Conventionally-trained doctors” he states, are unaware of this problem.

The American Thyroid Association states that “there are no tests to confirm if you have enough iodine in your body,” and that “iodine deficiency is diagnosed across populations and not specifically in individuals.”

Mayo Clinic on Iodine

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Iodine supplements usually aren’t necessary if you live in the United States or in most developed countries. Some alternative medicine practitioners recommend iodine tablets or kelp supplements — which are high in iodine — for people with hypothyroidism. It is true that severe iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism. But iodine deficiency is rare in the United States and other developed countries since the addition of iodine to salt (iodized salt) and other foods.”

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Although the Mayo Clinic states that iodine supplements are usually not necessary, these supplements are easily found for far less cost at any reputable supplement vendor. GNC and Vitacost, for example, have comparable products for $10 – $15.

Losing the War on Cancer

The NewsMaxHealth article which touts Brownstein’s video claims that death rates for cancer have not changed in 80 years.

Statistics demonstrate we are not winning the war on cancer. Far from it. In fact, cancer death rates have remained nearly unchanged over the last 80 years. Plus, traditional cancer treatments have been a dismal failure, particularly when the initial cancer returns — often with a vengeance.

According to the National Cancer Institute the survival rate for the most common cancers have been “mostly rising” since 1975. Cancer Australia also points out that “the age-standardised mortality rate for cancer has decreased from 209.0 deaths per 100,000 in 1982 to 174.3 deaths per 100,000 in 2010.”

A 2011 article in The Guardian writes, “Survival rates for some types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer, have improved dramatically over the last 40 years but there has been a “woeful” lack of investment in others, a study has found.”

Bottom Line

Although Dr. Brownstein hits on some valid topics, he also misses the mark at times, and uses alarmist jargon which seems more aimed at selling products than disseminating true health information. His credibility is further harmed by sales pitches inserted at every available opportunity. Dr. Brownstein no doubt has supporters who believe wholeheartedly in his approach, but his claims are often at odds with the majority opinion of the medical community as a whole.

Your Turn

Have you read Dr. Brownstein’s writings? What do you think? Let us hear from you in the comments below.

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