An image that has circulated on social media for several years shows a skyscraper in Japan with a highway passing through it. Is this image real or fake?
A snack which first hit shelves in Japan back in 2013 was an interesting mash-up of two popular products: Pepsi and Cheetos.
Today we’re taking a look at the claim that it is illegal to be overweight in Japan. Is this claim real or a hoax?
A video which circulated online in October 2015 showed a Japanese swordsman slicing a ball traveling at 100 miles per hour in half.
A photo shows a restaurant which allegedly offers smoking “cones” for its patrons in Japan. Is this image real or fake?
A 105 year old competitive sprinter may have finished last in his most recent race, but he set a world record at the same time.
Photos of Natsumi Hayashi, known as Tokyo’s “Levitating Girl,” have been, floating around the internet for years. The photos feature Natsumi in a variety of poses and locations, often with an expressionless face while undertaking mundane tasks, such as drinking out of a fountain or pressing the button on an elevator. Such...
A photo allegedly shows a rare blue “Japanese moon melon” has circulated online for years. Is this melon real?
Hangi Darbeden ve Sivil Anayasa'dan söz ediyoruz? Tart??mas?z darbe anayasas?…