A video allegedly shows Space Shuttle Columbia destroyed and floating in space. Is this video real or fake?
An popular internet meme offers a “quote” by Michele Bachman in which she allegedly says the Bible was written in English. Today we’ll attempt to find out if Michele Bachmann actually spoke those words.
A shocking story circulating just a day after Super Bowl XLVIII claims that the NFL is investigating allegations that the championship game was rigged. Is this story true?
Vitacost is a popular online supplement vendor. Today we offer our Vitacost review, plus additional information and reader input.
A story circulating online claims that a Chicago teen was arrested for killing his brother over the “Flappy Bird” game. Is this real or fake?
An internet rumor claims that boxer Floyd Mayweather bet – and lost – over $10 million on the Denver Broncos to win the Super Bowl. It is a hoax.
Reports of the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman were clouded by a false “death hoax” report from a fake news generator website. This site posts the same “death hoax” article for hundreds of celebrities. Some fans also pointed out the “coincidence” of a death hoax for the celebrity only days before his...
Videos online allegedly prove that “fake snow” has been falling in the U.S. In these videos, demonstrations are offered in which people hold lighters or torches up to recently-fallen snow – which does not immediately melt – but instead turns to soot.