Rocker Jon Bon Jovi owns a restaurant with no prices on the menu, which allows guests to work in exchange for their meals.
Not all struggling musicians sleep on couches or hold down menial jobs in their quest to hit the big time. Here is a list of 8 rockers who held down teaching jobs before making it big.
A graphic which has circulated online for four years shows a Tim Tam label with a warning that it may contain human flesh. Is this real or fake?
A “horned sea monster” which washed up ashore in Spain in 2013 was identified by three experts as a shark carcass. The photo was used in a fake story about the carcass of a Loch Ness Monster washing ashore in Scotland in 2014.
The tech world’s focus on Microsoft’s release of Windows 10 in July 2015 is another reminder of the company’s dominance in the desktop market, which still stands around 90%. Along with its successes, however, have been a few failures along the way, so today we take a look back at some of the more notable...
An image circulating online allegedly shows a new species of dragon discovered in Indonesia. Is this real or false?
Have you received a call from the 849 area code and you’re not sure who it is? Today we’ll try to shed some light on this specific type of caller, which is someone you should avoid.
An image which can be found circulating among various social media “fact” pages allegedly shows a heart island located in Australia or other parts of the world. Is it real or fake?