In 2013, Discovery Channel kicked off Shark Week with a fake documentary on the long-extinct Megalodon, including fake scientists and made-up “sightings.” Despite outrage by loyal viewers, the channel offered additional fake documentaries on the subject in 2014.
A photo which has circulated online since 2012 purports to show an advertisement for young women’s accessory retailer Claire’s selling “Emo Scars” which would allow young women to look as if they are cutting themselves via press-on scars. Is this image real or fake?
A story circulating online claims that the ruins of an ancient city were recently discovered in Australia. Is this story real or fake?
It has been reported that 11 planes are missing from the Tripoli International Airport in Libya. Is this true or false?
A photo allegedly shows a group of people posing with a 22-foot long, 2500-pound giant crocodile. The story accompanying the photo claims that local villagers had to call in the army because people were disappearing due to this creature. Are the photo and story true?
Are nails in cheese at dog parks a new trend, as this photo and warning suggest? Today we look at this warning more closely.
A trend on Facebook is the creation of pages which claim to be giving away large prizes, such as a Chevrolet Camaro. Unfortunately, however, these pages and giveaways are usually fake. Today we’ll take a closer look at bogus Camaro giveaway pages on Facebook.
The Better Business Bureau and Federal Trade Commission have issued warnings about the “one-ring scam” which dupes consumers out of cash when they simply return a missed phone call.