Today we examine a photo which has circulated on social media for years that seems to show Tupac Shakur and Osama Bin Laden shaking hands.
Celebrities are often targets of gossip and rumors, and what may have been a slight exaggeration at first can become outrageously amplified or completely wrong over time. Marilyn Monroe has been the subject of multiple rumors since her screen reign of the 1950s, and some of these assertions are still debated today. One point of contention is...
When the National Enquirer ran the infamous photo of Elvis Presley in his casket, conspiracy theorists immediately decried the photo as fake.
A graphic for a movie entitled Mean Moms has been circulating online since early 2015 which features Jennifer Anison, Sandra Bullock, and Cameron Diaz as the stars. Is this real or fake?
An internet meme claims that Meghan Trainor played Martha Cox in the High School Musical movies. Is this true or false?
Few things in entertainment are more entertaining than a heated interview, especially when one side has had enough and decides to walk. Today we present 18 infamous interviews in which one party cut the exchange short by walking out, storming out, or – in one case – attacking the other party.
The classic pitchman conjures images of such iconic figures as Billy Mays or Ron Popeil touting unusual products on late night infomercials. Today we look at 10 pitchmen who had brushes with the law after rising to fame.
News of the passing of actress Rue McClanahan quickly spread on social media today… five years after the actress passed away.
The evolution of educational technology has opened up amazing opportunities…