An image and accompanying story allegedly shows a snake guarding two puppies who fell into an empty well in India.
An image shows a massive snake held up by an excavation machine. Is the photo real or fake?
A photo series shows an intense battle between a crocodile and a snake in Australia back in 2014.
When word spread that a “Penis Snake” was discovered in Brazil in 2011, the news was met with some skepticism. The snake, as shown in photos circulated on the internet, does in fact resemble the human male genitalia. But is this real or just a hoax?
A warning circulating on social media claims that a deadly snow snake has bitten several people in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Is this warning real or fake?
A photo shows a dog licking a snake’s head. The image has been circulated online as a symbol of beautiful gestures in the natural world. Is this image real or fake?
A photo circulating on social media today allegedly shows a snake which has swallowed a wok. Is this real or fake?
In what appeared to be a battle for the ages – snake vs centipede – there was no clear-cut winner in this fight. After a small snake consumed a live centipede, the arthropod partially ate its way out of the snake’s abdomen. Neither creature survived.
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