Did you receive an email from Fed Ex telling you that they couldn’t deliver your package, and included a link to a label for you to print? Don’t open it! It’s a virus and will probably damage your computer.
The version we saw today had a subject of Your parcel isn’t delivered. The email was sent from FedEx Express (our.customers@feedex.com). Notice that “Feed Ex” is spelled wrong in the return address. The body of the email is merely a graphic containing the following text:
Unfortunately we failed to deliver the postal package you have sent on the 27th of July in time because the recipient’s address is erroneous.
Please print out the label copy attacked and collect the package at our office.
There is a button that reads, “Print a shipping Label”
If you were to click on the link, you will not be sent to a Fed Ex address, but instead a page at pookyssweetshopt.com. On that page is a link to a zip file.
Do not download or open the zip file. It is not a label and will infect your computer with a virus. If you are waiting for a package from Fed Ex, or if you have sent one and there is any question, call them directly. This is not how they would handle such a situation, by the way. You may run across other incarnations, such as from UPS, DHL, or the USPS.
Further Reading
Warning: DHL Email Virus