Be on the lookout for fake links being posted on Facebook, disguised as a video posted by one of your friends.
Malicious Link
We spotted a link on Facebook this morning (6/5/13) that read:
I bet you cannt watch this Video for more than 22 sec0nds
The caption in the shared link read:
(Video) WTF..Just 14 years Old drunk girl did this infront of all Public
This was posted to a friend’s account, but that friend did not post it himself. It was posted “via Fun Tube.”
In this case, if you click the link above, you’ll be taken to a fake video page, which tells you that you need to download a “Video Download Converter” in order to view the video. This is a tactic used by hackers and scammers to install viruses or trojan horses onto your system. Do not download this file.

This is where the Facebook link takes you. This site wants you to install malicious software onto your computer to view the video, but there is no video after you install it.
What to do
If this has happened to you or a friend, you should consider taking the following steps:
- Remove/block any unknown, unwanted, or spammy apps. See: How to Block or Remove a Facebook App. Be sure to remove “Fun Tube” as we’ve seen this one posting similar links before.
- Remove anything posted on your behalf by these apps so your friends aren’t fooled into clicking them.
- Run an anti-virus or anti-spyware program on your computer
- Change your Facebook password
Bottom Line
Do not click links such as this, as you may install malicious software onto your computer.