Is the number 719-278-0100 calling you and now you want to know who it is? Unlike many of the numbers we tell you to block here, this one you might want to answer – or at least know why they’re calling. Read on for more info:
Ford Credit
Chances are that you’re late with your car payment and they’re getting impatient! This particular number appears to be their second-line of bill collecting. Typically when you are slightly late, they’ll call you from 313-216-2022 with an automated message. When you get a call from 719-278-0100, it will be from a live operator who will ask you to call them back at 866-466-6310. This means that you are probably over 30 days late and they’re turning up the heat.
It’s best to call them back, and ask for an extension if you can’t get caught up. If you are late on your payments, call Ford Credit and they’ll typically grant an extension, allowing you to skip payments, pushing back your payoff date.