A photograph shows a child apparently being attacked by a snake as cameramen stand by and film without helping the young victim. One version of the photo shows a National Geographic logo. Is this photo real or is it a hoax?
A warning circulating on social media suggests that a new technique by car thieves involves placing a penny or nickel in the passenger door handle to prevent the vehicle from being locked.
A snack which first hit shelves in Japan back in 2013 was an interesting mash-up of two popular products: Pepsi and Cheetos.
SeroVital-hgh is an anti-aging product which some have claimed can take make people feel decades younger. Read our reviews from editors and readers, and updated for 2016.
Today we take a look at the possible dangers of sleeping with a cell phone under your pillow or near your head. In short: It can be dangerous for multiple reasons.
Clear TV is an HDTV digital antenna, advertised as a way to receive broadcast television channels for free. We were one of the first to review the product back in 2013, and we offer updated observations for 2016.
A collection of 17 strange stories, hoaxes, and rumors about Justin Bieber which went viral between 2012 and 2014.
Below is a collection of our 10 most popular “Find the Cat” photos posted in years past. Can you find the cat in each of these photos?
The evolution of educational technology has opened up amazing opportunities…