Can coughing during the onset of heart attack symptoms while alone save your life, as a common internet helpful hint suggests?
A common belief is that tryptophan found in turkey is the cause of lethargy after a Thanksgiving meal. Is this true or simply a holiday myth?
When the “New Myspace” launched in 2013, some users logged for the first time in years in hopes of seeing their old Myspace data – only to find their beloved (or ignored) profile had been wiped clean, with the exception of a single profile picture. Though it hasn’t yet been announced that...
Does KFC use “genetically manipulated organisms” instead of “real” chicken, as a common claim on the internet states? Another rumor holds that the company must use the name “KFC” because it can no longer use the word “chicken” in its name.
In November 2015, a photo snapped from the International Space Station raised eyebrows of some UFO enthusiasts who suggested the image captured an unidentified flying craft.
A “helpful hint” which has circulated online for years states that applying vinegar to your windshield is an effective way to remove ice quickly, or as a way to prevent ice from forming when left overnight. Is this suggestion a feasible alternative to more expensive de-icing solutions?
A popular video claims that Dubai lacks a sewer system for the areas including its massive skyscrapers, requiring sewage to be trucked out. Is this real or fake?
A mysterious YouTube video shows an expressionless man staring at the camera, who concludes the video with a menacing smile. A story circulating online tells of people who have gone mad watching the video. Take we’ll take a closer look.