An elaborate internet hoax attempted to convince women that feminine hygiene products were a form of oppression.
A blog post has gone viral in which a woman claims to have aborted a late-term fetus upon learning that it was a boy. Is the story real or fake?
A rumor online states that Chipotle is giving away free burritos to anyone who kisses in one of their locations, as part of a Valentine’s Day promotion. Is this real or fake?
An email and subsequent Facebook post claims that women are being given business cards laced with a drug called Burundanga in order to assault and rob them. Today we’ll take a look at this warning a little closer.
A claim circulating online states that the earth is slowing and a day is now 24 seconds longer than it was only two years ago. Is this true or false?
Are people with vision or hearing loss able to develop their other senses as a means to compensate for their impairment? Randal A. Burd, Jr. investigates.
An urban legend states that sewage systems are strained every year during the Super Bowl, as fans simultaneously flush their toilets at half time.
A graphic circulating online claims that a theater in the U.S. collapsed before showing an anti-Muslim film. Is there any truth to the story?