A meme circulating online purports to provide directions how to create a blue “Bernie Sanders Glowstick.” The recipe, however, will actually make a 2-liter chlorine bomb.
Sanders Glowstick
The meme has circulated on social media, and provided convincing-sounding instructions to create what is said to be a blue glowstick.
First, peel the label off the 2 liter bottle so you can see that blue glow. then crush up the pool chlorinating tablet and shove the pieces down the heck of the bottle (the smaller the pieces the brighter it will glow but it also won’t last as long.) Finally, pour your trusty isopropyl alcohol into the bottle, cap the bottle TIGHTLY and shake it up. Now just turn out the lights and watch it GLOW! Impress your family and friends with your Bernie Glowsticks.
Rather than creating a blue glowstick, Mic.com reports that the instructions above will create a 2-liter chlorine bomb. In addition to a pressurized explosion which will occur moments after mixing the ingredients, chlorine gas would also be released which can be harmful to the lungs.
It isn’t clear if the meme was created as a joke or with the intent to harm others, nor is it clear how many people (if any) fell for the prank and created a chlorine bomb.