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Slow Holiday Web Traffic on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Slow Holiday Web Traffic on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

No one likes the crowds and traffic in the malls and on the streets during the holidays, but if you’re a website owner, you may be wishing for a little more holiday traffic. So how much has your web traffic dropped on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

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Looking back at the last couple of years, the web traffic here at has dropped about 35% the on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In asking around, we’ve found other website owners have claimed 20-40% drops on these days. In fact we’ve found that web traffic doesn’t usually completely recover until January, when the holidays are long gone and everyone is back at work. Keep in mind that, especially on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, families are together and celebrating, and people just aren’t sitting at their computers. It’s the same reason that weekend traffic is usually a little lower than weekdays.

As a website owner, you may want to just enjoy the holiday without worrying too much about the plunge in traffic between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. It will happen… but it will also resume in early January.

How much has your website traffic slowed throughout the holidays?


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