Spam Files

Facebook App Alert: “15 year old girl having Spider Under the skin!”

Facebook App Alert: “15 year old girl having Spider Under the skin!”

A spammy Facebook app appeared in early May 2013. If you’ve seen your friends posting a link to a video with the title, “15 year old girl having Spider Under the skin!” you may not want to click the link.

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Chances are your friend did not post this link on their own, but instead it was posted for them by a spammy Facebook app called Fun Tube. They probably clicked a similar link posted by one of their friend’s and allowed the app to post on their behalf.

The link posted to Facebook may look like the graphic below, which includes the headline:

If you see a link like this, don't click on it.

If you see a link like this, don’t click on it.

Clicking the link will install a spammy app which will spam your Facebook timeline with posts such as this one. If you do click the link, you’ll find yourself on a Facebook app called Fun Tube, which will want permission to post on your behalf. This is not a good idea!

Despite the tantalizing video box on this app's page, we never got a video to play.

Despite the tantalizing video box on this app’s page, we never got a video to play.

You’re better off avoiding this app, and you may want to suggest that your friend remove the app. For more info on how to remove a Facebook app such as this one, please see How to Block or Remove a Facebook App.

For more info on how malware and spammy apps behave on Facebook, please see Alert: Facebook Malware Video

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