A disturbing photo of a man standing on an emaciated child has been angrily shared online. One angry caption reads: I WANT TO KILL THIS MAN…IF U R AGAINST CHILD ABUSE *PLEASE* LIKE N SHARE THIS.. Is this photo real or fake?
A heavily shared photo on Facebook in recent years is that of a child in a hospital bed, drowning in a sea of bandages and tubes, and apparently suffering from a heart condition. The photo has been shared in hopes of raising money for the child. Is this photo real or fake?
The disturbing photo of three animals – sometimes described as wolves, other times described as coyotes – killed and hanging from a fence. An angry caption reads: Spanish B*****ds – call themselves civilised? Chuck ’em out the EU. Share this as much as possible – shame them into finding those who murdered...
Everyone has their own litmus test in making a decision in Presidential politics. It’s can sometimes be difficult to decipher what some of these slick politicians are trying to say. So I came up with my own litmus test, an intelligence test from which they cannot hide.
Are you being bothered by the phone number 503-457-1002 and now you want to know who the are? Luckily for you, this is NOT an important call. Read below to see more.
The problem: Seeing certain words on web pages – maybe even on your own site – with unwanted green, double-underlined contextual ads. These links point to (or are at least powered by) such sites as text-enhance.com. The problem is you don’t want these text ads, nor did you give permission for them...
It’s a disturbing sight, regardless of its origin: two men holding a wire, wrapped around a puppy’s neck, while laughing and flipping us the bird. The photo has seen a resurgence on the internet recently, especially on Facebook. The captions vary, but they usually encourage people to share the photo in hopes...
Is the phone number 989-854-2368 bothering you and now you want to know who it is? Rest assured this is NOT legitimate business call and they’re just trying to sell you something. See below to see who it is:
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