On December 30, 1979 an article entitled “Why Does Everything Cost So Much?’ appeared in the Beaver Country Times, discussing inflation and the future. The writer suggested that a $50,000 home in 1979 would cost $3.2 million in 2011, while a $5000 car would cost $320,000. While this sounds far-fetched, the writer...
Wellness International Network, Ltd (WIN) was one of my earliest first-hand experiences with fast-talking MLM salesmen. This was back in the 1990s when a friend of mine invited me to one of their “seminars” (AKA “sales pitches”) to hear about this exciting “opportunity.” Though I had already embarked on my advertising career,...
It was only a few days ago that I posted a recent 419 scam email that one of my junk accounts received. But now a new twist landed in the inbox of my main account. They responded to an ad I posted on Craigslist, and did so in a very crafty way....
I’ve seen a lot of long-winded definitions of structured settlements, but really it is just a payment plan. Typically a structured settlement comes in the form of worker’s compensation or some physical injury settlement. Rather than taking the full lump sum settlement, a structured payment plan is constructed to be paid over...
A look at a book promoted by Ty Bollinger called “Cancer: Step Outside of the Box.”
The vitamins and herbs purported to ease E.D is significant. And the causes of E.D. are as equally as varied. But it comes down to two broad reasons: physical and psychological, and there is often an overlap. So the list of vitamins and herbs below may work for some people and not for others. Some...
Yohimbe is one of the most discussed, and most controversial, of the natural libido boosters. My search for unbiased reviews yielded mostly fake reviews, biased reviews by people who had a reason to promote it, or warnings against it that also seemed to have an agenda. So I decided to simply try...
Picasa is the innovative photo organization software now backed by Google which scans your hard drive for photos and automatically detect faces in the photos. When you start identifying the faces, it will start trying suggesting matches. It had moments of complete geek heaven. But it’s not quite perfect yet. Especially when...
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