The singing drummer is something of a rarity in popular music, and those who have topped the charts while doing so is even rarer. Here is a list of 9 singing drummers who topped the Billboard charts, and 5 more who almost made it.
A photo shows what appears to be a pair shoes that closely resemble human feet. Is this image real or fake?
A photo is circulating on Twitter today which allegedly shows an “unedited” Sandra Bland mugshot in which the woman appears unconscious or dead. There are also accusations that her original mugshot was edited by police.
The 1990s was the decade of grunge, Bill Clinton, and the “information super highway.” And, it turns out, a fair share of notable hoaxes. Today we look back at seven of the most notable hoaxes of the 1990s.
A video allegedly shows a UFO filmed by fisherman near Galicia, Spain. The craft hovers over the ocean before splashing into the water as military jets fly overhead. Is this video real or fake?
An image shows a massive snake held up by an excavation machine. Is the photo real or fake?
A 1930’s home movie released in July 2015 shows Edward VIII apparently teaching Queen Elizabeth II how to perform a Nazi salute when she was a child.
An image circulating online shows a person holding a giant earthworm which appears to be several feet long. Is this image real or fake?