Orville Stamm was billed as the “Strongest Boy in the World” on vaudeville and performed feats of strength, often while performing a song.
The world’s largest swimming pool is found at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile.
The “Rainbow Tree” is sometimes referred to as the most colorful tree in the world because its bark can be colors from blue to orange. Some internet readers have even questioned if such a tree really exists. Today we’ll take a closer look.
An image that has circulated on social media for several years shows a skyscraper in Japan with a highway passing through it. Is this image real or fake?
It sounds like a made-up word, but a “zonkey” is in fact a real animal. Every few years, you’ll hear about the birth of a rare zonkey, such as that of April 2014, when video surfaced of a zonkey that was born in Mexico. Zonkeys are half zebra and half donkey.
An Arizona reporter was arrested for defecating on a residential front lawn while covering a story.
A self-sustaining egg-shaped capsule was unveiled in mid-2015 with the promise that two people could use it to live anywhere in the world, off-grid. Would you live in an Ecocapsule?
It is claimed that Russia is the same size as (or bigger than) Pluto. Today we’ll take a closer look at this claim.
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