Odd News

Reporter “Took Care of Business” by Defecating on Lawn

Reporter “Took Care of Business” by Defecating on Lawn

An Arizona reporter was arrested for defecating on a residential front lawn while covering a story.

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Reporter Defecates on Lawn

Jonathan Lowe was a reporter for KPHO in Phoenix, and was arrested after a resident spotted him dropping a deuce on a neighbor’s front yard while covering a story in the area.

Cops were called to the scene and Lowe confessed to the act. He allegedly told police that he felt sick and had spent his entire day in a news van. According to the police report, Lowe said, “I know what you want to talk to me about. I’ve been feeling very sick and I’ve been stuck in this van all day. So, I went over to that person’s yard and took care of business. Those people who called on me just wanted to start problems.”

The officer informed Lowe that he could have used the restroom at a nearby establishment, but the reporter said he couldn’t leave the area.

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Lowe, 33, was cited for public urinating or defecating and was released. He faces a $2500 fine or six months in jail.

The officer took photos of the scene, which thankfully have not been released to the public.

Soon after the story broke, Lowe was said to be fired as a result of the incident.

Lowe was on location to report the story of Patrick Zane Thompson, a former Arizona State athlete who “sacrificed” the family poodle after an “episode” prompted by his daughter’s t-shirt.

h/t Phoenix New Times

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