Is the phone number 971-220-1003 bothering you and now you want to know who it is? Well, here at Waffles, we have the answer for you. Read further to see exactly who these pests are, and how they found you.
Having dealt with gum diseases gingivitis and periodontal disease, this article is written with a bit of experience behind it. Below is my personal daily routine for helping to combat gum disease. It’s a sort of consensus I compiled via forums, websites, word of mouth, and other literature on the subject. I’m...
This is our 2nd video in a row featuring two humorous guys from the other side of the Atlantic. In this video, we have the Slow Mo Guys showing us in slow motion how it looks to be shot with a paint ball gun on bare skin.
Does the video below show reptilian shape-shifting among members of Congress? The creator of the video makes many claims and comments expressing just that implication – that we are seeing our leaders morphing into reptiles, all of which is caught on camera. But is it real? Lets’ take a look at the...
Does the video below show NASA astronauts discussing a UFO outside of the shuttle Atlantis? In the video, we hear discussion about objects outside of the shuttle and attempts to figure out what they are. At first glance, it appears to be a compelling UFO sighting. Upon further review, it can be...
Here is a look back at a classic home video. The video of a man falling on a trampoline becomes a bizarre sight when a nearby dog takes advantage of the man’s brief incapacity to jump on and starts humping his head. Talk about an opportunist dog.
I have compiled a list below of some of my favorite quotes about the beach and ocean. These are all Twitter-friendly, meaning they are all small enough to be tweeted. I’ve attempted to keep a uniform formatting, and they are presented in alphabetical order. These have been compiled from various sources online....
CBS News published an article written by John Baldoni on March 13th, entitled “Why Google Plus is a Failure” which states the author’s belief that the social network is all but dead. Here I will present my rebuttal to the article and other Google Plus naysayers.
A few months ago I wrote about the ubiquitous television ad from Stansberry Research that began with the ominous “A very wealthy American…” So I finally saw an updated version of the commercial from Stansberry Research, aka Porter Stansberry, aka Frank Porter Stansberry, aka End of America. I was wondering when I’d...
After reviewing a couple of oatmeal stouts, it only seemed fair to give our review of Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout, which is widely considered to be the mold for all other modern oatmeal stouts. While that would seem to be a difficult reputation to live up to, this beer easily scores high...
A popular article here on WafflesAtNoon is about how to get rid of unwanted “Text Enhance” ads. Today I’m going to talk about a similar-looking ad, promoted by Infolinks. Though the underlined ads look similar between Text Enhance and Infolinks, there is a significant difference in who put those ads there.
A photo circulating online today shows a dog helplessly dangling from the back of an SUV in a sack, it’s snout tied with tape. Is this photo real? Unfortunately, the photo and the story are genuine. When I first saw the picture, it seemed so ridiculous that I thought it had to...