
BioTrust Leptiburn Reviews

BioTrust Leptiburn Reviews

Leptiburn is advertised as a fat-burning supplement sold by BioTrust. Read our LeptiBurn reviews from editors and readers.

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About LeptiBurn

LeptiBurn is a “fat burner” which contains several popular herbs marketed for weight loss. The product description states that you should expect to see “noticeable, visual results within 30 days and more profound results with prolonged, continued use.” See our full BioTrust review here.

Below is a photo of a bottle of LeptiBurn from



The product’s description reads:

LeptiBURN overcomes weight loss plateaus and declining leptin levels, common with weight loss diets, with a blend of 6 scientifically-backed herbal ingredients designed to support leptin production and sensitivity. The result is a body primed for accelerated fat loss every hour of every day.

LeptiBurn ingredients

  • Olive leaf extract
  • Brown seaweed extract
  • Irvingia gabonesis (aka “African Mango.” Additional info here.)
  • Panax notoginseng extract
  • Green tea standardized extract
  • Yerba mate standardized extract

How much does LeptiBurn cost?

The cost of LeptiBurn depends on how many bottles you purchase:

  • 1 bottle: $69
  • 3 bottles: $177 ($59 each)
  • 6 bottles: $294 ($49 each)

There is a free digital-download recipe booklet included with each purchase.

BioTrust was founded in 2011 and offers a small selection of health supplements. They claim that their ingredients are all-natural, free of antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, colors, and preservatives. They also claim that their products are tested in an independent FDA-registered lab.

Our LeptiBurn Review

As with many “fat burning” supplements, LeptiBurn is a collection of many popular, fad weight loss herbs such as African Mango and green tea extract. They claim that their particular blend is one that will work:

No other product contains the same 5 nutrients in the exact Scientific Dose used in research to increase fat burning by effecting the hormone Leptin’s production and sensitivity.

Although vendors selling these supplements may point to cherry-picked studies “proving” the efficacy of these products, there is no consensus that any of these contribute to significant weight loss, regardless of the blend or dosage.

None of our three testers reported significant weight loss with LeptiBurn; all were within +/- 2 pounds of their original starting weight after 30 days.

No major side effects were reported, although one tester felt “jittery” while taking it, perhaps due to the product’s caffeine content. If you plan to take LeptiBurn, you may want to consider reducing your caffeine intake from other sources.

You can find many of the same ingredients locally in other “fat burner” supplements for a fraction of the cost, and without shipping delays or charges.

Fake Reviews

Those searching for genuine, unbiased reviews of LeptiBurn are often met with a mound of fake reviews online. Many of these fake positive reviews end with a blatant link to purchase the product, as seen in this screen capture:


Reviews which conclude with a link that looks like this are probably not objective.

A reviewer who stands to profit from affiliate links like the one above is not likely to be critical of the product.

Other LeptiBurn Reviews

  • Diet Pills Watchdog gives it a “rejected” status, noting that it is expensive and the ingredients are unproven.
  • There was an Amazon seller offering Leptiburn, with a reader review of 2.5 out of 5 stars. That product page is no longer available.

Bottom Line

LeptiBurn is an expensive collection of common supplements which rarely live up to the hype. Our testers did not see any significant weight loss while using the product. The ingredients are unproven and can easily be found for less at any local supplement shop.

Your LeptiBurn Reviews

Have you used LeptiBurn by BioTrust? Give us your reviews in the comments below.

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