
GoGo Pillow Review and Product Info

GoGo Pillow Review and Product Info

GoGo Pillow is a multi-function pillow which can be used as a tablet holder, head rest, or backpack. We’ve tried it out and present our GoGo Pillow review along with additional product information.

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About GoGo Pillow

GoGo Pillow is designed for a variety of uses and comes in six colors: blue, grey, pink, burgundy, black, and animal print. The official website is which was registered on November 16, 2012.

The product costs $19.95 plus $9.95 processing and handling for a total of $29.90. They offer a second GoGo Pillow for separate processing and handling for a total of $39.85. P&H are not refundable, so if you purchase two and decide to return them, you’re still out $19.90.

Note: You may be interested in our article entitled The “Get a Second One Free” Marketing Ploy regarding this common tactic used by As Seen on TV advertisers.

You should expect to wait one to two months to receive your GoGo Pillow if you buy it online, and there is no warranty or guarantee on the product.

GoGo Pillow can be found in stores such as Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Walmart, or Target.

This is a screen shot the official GoGo Pillow website.

This is a screen shot the official GoGo Pillow website.

Our Go Go Pillow Review

We tried a GoGo Pillow with a variety of devices and found that it doesn’t hold “any size” securely as promised. Though it does hold some iPad models, it didn’t hold a Kindle Fire securely enough to keep it in place. A smaller Samsung tablet we tried also kept falling out. An older iPad was held in place securely, but we found our iPad overheated on several occasions, especially when plugged in.

The material is relatively soft, and our GoGo Pillow was manufactured to satisfactory standards.

Billing Issues
If you’re considering ordering a GoGo Pillow online, beware of the notoriously confusing billing process. It has confused many consumers into accidentally ordering many more GoGo Pillows than they wanted, resulting in surprising charges of sometimes $90 or more on their credit cards.

Television Commercial

Here is a television commercial for GoGo Pillow:

Below is a transcript of the TV ad above:

Tablets and large smart phones are great, but trying to email, travel, watch a movie, or follow a recipe is a real hassle. Introducing GoGo Pillow, the plush, comfortable, mutli-function pillow that fits any tablet, anytime, anywhere. So you can work hands on or hands off. The beauty is in our sleek and comfortable patented multi-slot design that houses the corners of any tablet and lets you choose the perfect viewing angle while the pillow holds your tablet on lock-down. Other products can only help if you’re on a flat surface, but GoGo Pillow takes you where no tablet has gone before, because it molds to virtually any surface. So now you can enjoy your tablet on your chair or couch, get a good workout on your exercise machine, or finally watch movies comfortably in your bed. And every GoGo Pillow has power port and ear bud access right through the pillow. And now GoGo Pillow gets even better. With two stretch bands, you can hang your pillow anywhere you want. Now you can turn your car into a theater that everyone will love, or place in a magazine and never worry about the wind. And it fits all shapes and sizes. GoGo Pillow can unzip and flip for an amazingly comfy travel pillow, perfect for those long car rides or just relaxing just about anywhere. And kids love GoGo Pillow. Now they can pack away their tablet in a safe place and take it with them, or slide in a book to study for school, or just sit back with a nice novel. So you’ll never again have the frustration and pain of holding your arms out or knocking over your expensive tablet. With the GoGo Pillow you can safely sit back and relax and enjoy. To purchase all of these separately, you could pay over $100, but when you call now you’ll get the amazing GoGo Pillow and all of its configurations for the low low price of only $19.95. But that’s not all. With your order today, we’ll double the offer. Think of all the uses. Just pay separate processing and handling. That’s right, you’ll get two GoGo Pillows for only $19.95. Here’s how to order.

Bottom Line

If you want to try a GoGo Pillow, pick one up locally to avoid the shipping/billing nightmare and shoddy customer service that has plagued so many consumers ordering from the official website. If it fits your device and doesn’t cause it to overheat, you may enjoy the product. There are, however, other alternatives which you may want to consider before purchasing.

Your Turn

Have you used GoGo Pillow? Let us hear from you in the comments below.

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