
Plexus Slim Reviews

Plexus Slim Reviews

Plexus Slim is a weight loss shake sold by network marketers. Read our Plexus Slim reviews from editors and readers.

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About Plexus Slim

Plexus Slim is a weight loss shake sold by Plexus Worldwide. The product is available via network marketers, who are referred to as ambassadors. The 12-ounce shake is to be taken 30 minutes before a meal. It is often touted as a way to aid a variety of health conditions.

The official website is, which was registered back in October 2006. The company is based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

There is no way to simply purchase the product from the official website; you must purchase it through one of their ambassadors.

The benefits Plexus Slim are said to include weight loss, healthy blood sugar levels, and healthy cholesterol levels. From forum comments and ambassador websites, it appears that many ambassadors have told customers that Plexus Slim may help with fibromyalgia, but apparently the company has since dissuaded this practice.

Below is a screenshot of the Plexus Slim product page, as seen in April 2014.


How much does Plexus Slim cost?

A one-time purchase costs $84.95 for a 30-day supply. If you sign up for a “preferred price” which auto-ships the product every month, you can get it for $79.95 per month.

60 Day Refund

There is a highly-touted 60-day refund, but this appears to be one of the biggest problems associated with Plexus Slim. Ripoff Report, for example, contains a few complaints regarding failed attempts are refunds.


The main ingredients of Plexus Slim are: Chromium, chlorogenic acid extract (from green coffee bean), garcinia cambogia extract, alpha lipoic acid. Although some of these ingredients have had positive studies regarding effectiveness, research is still considered preliminary at best.

According to Supplement Geek, the ingredients have changed over the past year.

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Our Plexus Slim Review

Keep in mind this is a product review and not a scientific study. Below are highlights from the opinions of the four testers who tried the product over a two month period.

  • Side Effects. The most prominent side effects reported were gas, nausea, restlessness, and jitters.
  • Taste. The consensus is that Plexus Slim has an “artificial sweetener” flavor, not particularly enjoyed by our testers.
  • Thirst. Two of our testers complained of increased thirst while taking Plexus Slim.
  • Weight Loss. None of our testers reported any notable weight loss in a 60-day evaluation. All four testers were within two pounds (above or below) their starting weight after two months.

As with many other weight loss supplements, consumers are encouraged to include proper diet and exercise while taking it. This alone could lead to weight loss, providing a false sense of confidence in the product.

Fake Reviews and Other Claims

One problem with Plexus Slim is that because it is sold primarily by affiliates, many of these network marketers have set up review pages to tout the product in hopes of selling it. Others have infiltrated forums, ending glowing reviews with obvious sales pitches.

Another problem with some reviews and comments regarding Plexus Slim is that you may see anonymous users making outrageous and unsubstantiated claims – often for conditions that the product is not advertised to help.


Although there may be some debate from ambassadors regarding the nature of their position with the company, the feel of the structure of Plexus Slim is that of a multi-level marketing scheme.

There are ranks of achievement, and compensation is based on how many ambassadors are sponsored. The highest level, for example, is the Diamond Ambassador, which is described in the following manner:

You personally sponsor and maintain 7 Qualified Ambassadors and have a minimum of 4,500 points in your organization, with 1,125 of those points coming outside of your primary leg. Along with being paid on levels 1 – 7, you receive a share in the Diamond, Sapphire, and Emerald Bonus Pools.

The fact that you must purchase the product through an ambassador, rather than direct from the company, is another MLM-like feature.

There are seminars held for ambassadors all over the country, often with impressive sales numbers dangled in front of them.

This screen shot from a Plexus "opportunity meeting" video shows dollar signs dangled in front of potential ambassadors.

This screen shot from a Plexus “opportunity meeting” video shows dollar signs dangled in front of potential ambassadors.

Alternatives to Plexus Slim

As the ingredients of Plexus Slim are readily available – and contained in dozens of other weight loss supplements – finding an alternative should be as easy as a trip to the supplement aisle of your local vendor. A cursory search online revealed a product with chromium, garcinia, and green coffee extract at GNC for about $20.

Plexus Slim Accelerator Warnings

The Australian Government issued a warning about the Plexus Slim Accelerator (which we did not evaluate) which is often sold with Plexus Slim.

Plexus Slim Accelerator capsules and Plexus Slim Accelerator 3 Day Trial pack pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken.

The reason for this warning is due to the chemical DMAA, which is associated with high blood pressure, psychiatric disorders, bleeding in the brain, and stroke. The Canadian government also echoed the sentiments of Australia.

The FDA has also referred to DMAA as a “potentially dangerous” stimulant. “As of April 11, 2013, FDA had received 86 reports of illnesses and death associated with supplements containing DMAA.”

According to Supplement Geek, the Accelerator has been reformulated and no longer contains Gerana X, which is said to be the source of DMAA. We could not confirm this.

Bottom Line

The primary ingredients are readily available from virtually any supplement vendor for a fraction of the cost . None of the ingredients of Plexus Slim have been proven to lead to weight loss, and none of our testers believed the product led to any weight loss.

If you know someone who is raving about Plexus Slim – and they also happen to sell it – you may want to take their endorsement with a grain of salt, as the company behind it pushes their “network marketing” about as much as they push the product itself.

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