Lipozene is advertised as a weight loss pill that is said to be clinically proven to reduce weight and body fat with no side effects and no prescription. Sound too good to be true? Today we’ll look a little closer at this product.
This weight loss pill has been advertised since around 2006, and is packaged to look like a prescription bottle. The official product website is, which was registered on August 30, 2005. Advertising as of April claims over 25 million bottles have been sold.
Lipozene Ingredients
According to the official website, the main ingredient of Lipozene is “Konjac root, most commonly known as Glucomannan.” This is a common fiber which is readily available at local and online supplement vendors, with some brands costing as low as $5 a bottle.
The WebMD description of this ingredient is as follows:
Glucomannan might work in the stomach and intestines by absorbing water to form a bulky fiber which treats constipation. It may also slow the absorption of sugar and cholesterol from the gut, helping to control sugar levels in diabetes, and reducing cholesterol levels.
Further, WebMD states that Glucomannan is possibly effective in the treatment of diabetes. And despite claims by the commercials that it is “clinically proven to reduce your body fat and weight,” WebMD categories the evidence for weight loss as “insufficient” for this ingredient.
A cursory Google search for glucomannan will yield you dozens of results for less expensive products. In fact, you can find glucomannan at any local health food store, or perhaps even Walmart or Target, for $10 or less.
Lipozene Cost
The current offer at is a buy-one-get-one for $29.95, with no shipping. When you order, a bottle of MetaboUP Plus is also included at no extra charge.
In 2005, a couple of marketers settled with the FTC for $1.5 million due to false advertising claims about weight loss benefits for FiberThin – a weight loss pill with the same active ingredient as Lipozene. FiberThin appears to have been largely replaced by Lipozene in television advertising.
There are nearly 600 consumer reviews of Lipozene at, and it has maintained a 2.5 star rating from the time we first posted this review in late 2012, through April 2015. Nearly half of the reviews give the product a 1-star rating.
The television ad below was airing as of late 2014. It uses the argument that a product that has sold over 20 million bottles is worth trying.
Bottom Line
Lipozene’s only ingredient is a common fiber which can be found at virtually any health store. If you’re looking for a magic weight loss pill, this probably isn’t your answer. Currently, the only over-the-counter weight loss supplement approved by the FDA is Alli.
Have you used Lipozene or other products containing glucomannan? We’d like to hear from you in the comments below.
Updated April 4, 2015
Originally published November 2012