
Lumi Dough Review: Does it Work?

Lumi Dough Review: Does it Work?

Lumi Dough is a glow-in-the-dark “doh” for children. Read my Lumi Dough review along with additional product information and reader comments.

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About Lumi Dough

“Lumi Doh” was first seen in television advertisements in mid-2013. It was later re-branded with a new spelling of “Lumi Dough.” As of 2014, Lumi Dough can be found in stores.

How much does Lumi Dough cost?

You can purchase Lumi Dough online for $19.99 plus $7.99 shipping for a total of $27.98. You can double your order for another $7.99, for a grand total of $35.97. You can opt out of this second set.

Shipping can take two to six weeks, and there is a 30-day money back guarantee, less shipping.

Keep in mind that you can pick up Lumi Dough in stores such as Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Walmart, or Toys R Us for about $20. This allows you to avoid shipping charges and delays.


The official websites are and Both were both registered on December 17, 2011 and “” now forwards to The official Facebook page was created on August 2, 2013.

Here is a screenshot of, captured in December 2013:


Compare with, which was being used as of March 2014:


Television Commercial

This is the official Lumi Doh commercial, posted in November 2013:

What they claim

Tagline: “The dough that glows!”

The advertising claims that this product stretches like rubber and molds like “doh.” It is said to never leave a mess, and you can bake your creations to make them permanent. There are five glowing colors available: Clear, green, pink, purple, and blue. Bonus color: black. A play mat, downloadable guide, star shape cut outs, and non-stick baking sheet are also included in the online set.

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My Lumi Dough Review

Lumi Dough can be described as a glow-in-the-dark Play-Doh (although they have no affiliation with that product or its manufacturer), and has been seen in advertisements on such channels as Disney XD and Esquire in recent months. I put Lumi Dough to the test and below are my observations, pros, and cons.

  • Quantity: The amount of Lumi Dough you get is surprisingly stingy for the price. At $28-$36, the amount is disappointingly small.
  • Residue: As with regular Play Doh, it is easy to get residue from darker colors mixed in with lighter colors, which dilutes the colors after several play sessions.
  • 3 Month Rule: The instructions for Lumi Dough state that the product will start to harden after 3 months. You may want to bake some of your better creations before this three month mark.
  • Glow: The glowing feature is the main selling point, and this feature I’d give positive marks.
  • Stretchy: The website claims that it “stretches like rubber” but, as with Play Doh, this type of product doesn’t quite “stretch” in a rubber-like manner. It is more like soft clay which can be molded.

One point of clarity is that you’ll see “5 glowing colors” advertised, but the packaging lists 6 colors. This is because the black Lumi Dough does not glow, thus you have 5 glowing colors and one non-glowing color for a total of 6 in the box.

When your Lumi Dough gets toward the end of its expected life, one suggested final project could be to bake the dough into stars and planets, which always elicits the imagination of children.

Bottom Line

Lumi Dough does provide fun for children as advertised, at least for a few months. With a stingy price-to-quantity ratio and three-month product life, you may want to pick it up in a local store, or simply stick with regular Play Doh, which – although it doesn’t glow – is far cheaper. Even buying locally, you can still expect to pay about $20 for the product. If price doesn’t concern you, Lumi Dough will likely be a pleasure for you and your children to use.

Your Turn

Have you used Lumi Dough? Let me hear from you in the comments below.

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James White specializes in internet hoaxes, travel, product reviews, and social media.

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