
Seeking Reviews for Phen375

Seeking Reviews for Phen375

Have you used the weight loss supplement known as Phen375? We want to hear from you.

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What is Phen375?

Phen375 is a weight-loss supplement containing herbs, spices, and caffeine. The name “Phen375” is similar to the approved weight loss drug phentermine, though it is actually unrelated to this product. It is also known as “Phentemine375.” The product is shipped from Dallas, Texas and “produced in FDA pharmaceutical registered labs” though they don’t specify where these labs are located.

The website was created in 2008 and the product was released in 2009.

Ingredients of Phen375

The ingredients of Phen375 are:

  • Calcium (Carbonate) 36% Grain – 149 mg
  • Chromium (Picolinate) 12% – 1mg
  • L-Carnitine (L-Tartrate) 68% – 382mg
  • Citrus Aurantium 10% Trit – 125mg
  • Caffeine Powder Anhydrous – 75mg
  • LongJack Tongkat Ali Root (Eurycoma) – 40mg
  • Cayenne (Capsicum) 10M HU/G – 20mg

Side Effects

Side effects of Phen375 are possible from any of the ingredients it contains. If we compile some of the more common side effects of the ingredients above from and WebMD, a list of possible side effects for Phen375 may include:

  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Restlessness
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Additional notes regarding possible side effects of Phen375 

  • You should avoid chromium if you have liver disease or diabetes.
  • You should avoid L-Carnitine if you have had seizures or have hypothyroidism.
  • Consumer Reports listed Citrus Aurantium as one of twelve supplements to be avoided. It was also listed as “unsafe” by WebMD.

How Much Does Phen375 Cost?

It appears that Phen375 is only available from the official website. All of the sites selling it that we found end up pointing to the domain. Here are the prices from the official website:

30 tablets: $69.95 ($2.33 per tablet)
60 tablets: $138.90 ($2.32 per tablet)
120 tablets: $227.80 ($1.90 per tablet)

What others are saying about Phen375

Finding truly objective reviews for Phen375 can be a challenge. Google results are chock full of fake reviews by affiliate marketers falling all over themselves to convince you that the product is amazing. Many of these so-called reviews are for websites with “375” in the name. Hardly an impartial opinion.


Because we could find no studies of Phen375, we are forced to look at studies of the individual ingredients for clues as to its efficiacy. Below are a few you may find interesting.

  • Chromium Picolinate and Weight Loss from Vanderbilt University. “Despite rampant claims that chromium picolinate is a weight loss miracle that will melt fat, improve metabolism, and increase muscle mass, scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the supplement does nothing of the kind.”
  • L-Carnitine from the University of Maryland Medical Center“Although L-carnitine has been marketed as a weight loss supplement, there is no scientific evidence to show that it works.”
  • Citrus aurantium from the NYU Langone Medical Center. “In view of the weakness of the evidence in favor of Citrus aurantium , and the considerable evidence that it presents health risks, we recommend against using it for weight loss.”

Bottom Line

Despite the name linking Phen375 to phentermine, these products are not the same. The ingredients in Phen375 indicate that it is an herb/spice concoction that may vary greatly in results among consumers, and contains ingredient of questionable efficacy.

Your Turn

Have you tried Phen375? Please tell us your experience in the comment below.

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