A 14-year old student was put into isolation due to an “extreme haircut” that he had worn for three years.
Extreme Haircut
Kieran London had to sit away from other students in a booth when it was determined that his haircut violated the school’s dress code. As it turns out, Kieran has sported the same cut for several years without any problems.
“He’s always had the same haircut but now they have just suddenly decided it’s too short and they have put him in isolation, in a little booth on his own,” his mother said.
The mom said that the booth violated her son’s basic human rights, but the school has defended the decision. They argue that the booth is superior to sending students home when dress code is violated.
Teacher Kirsten Heard responded, “We consider that a severe haircut, where the scalp is visible, is not in line with our Uniform Policy and we have kindly requested that our students have a longer version of this current style. We see the students as ambassadors of our school and they are expected to dress and behave in a way that reflects the high standards we seek to achieve.”
Do you think this is an extreme haircut?
Via Yahoo News