Credit card readers for mobile phones are a relatively new and convenient way to process credit card transactions. With the introduction of the Windows 8 phone, and Microsoft’s promise that most popular apps will be available, the question now arises of when a card reader will arrive to Windows Phone.
Currently there are four major players in the mobile credit card reader market: PayPal, Square, PayAnywhere, and Intuit. We have attempted to contact all four of them to inquire about a card reader for Windows Phone. Below are their responses.
PayPal’s card reader is called “PayPal Here” and is currently available for Android and iPhone. While PayPal does have a Windows Phone mobile app, a card reader is still not available. Their response on November 15, 2012 to my inquiry stated:
Currently PayPal Here is compatible with iPhones and many Androids phones. With each update more and more phones are made compatible. No current Windows Phones are on the compatible list at this time. is our official site for PayPal Here.
More info: PayPal Here official website
This mobile card reader has seen national television advertising lately in its push to become the leader of the pack. Despite news reports a few months ago hinting that Square might be available for Windows Phone, it still hasn’t seen the light of day. I asked them if and when they would offer a card reader for Windows Phone, they replied on November 16, 2012 with the following message:
We currently only support Apple iOS and Android platforms. Should this change in the future, we’ll be sure to announce it.
More info: Square official website.
GoPayment is the app and mobile card reader offering from Intuit. There actually was a mobile app available for Windows Phone by Intuit, but it is no longer found in the app store. Windows Phone is also not listed as a compatible device on their website. Intuit invites suggestions for devices to consider:
We’re busy working on supporting additional devices and will update the compatible device listing accordingly.
If you would like us to consider your device for compatibility testing, please send the following information to
Device Make
Device Model Name and Number
Service Provider
More info: GoPayment official website
This is a new player in the mobile card reader market, and they have been advertising in television. It is currently available for Andriod, iOS, and Blackberry. I receive an email from them on 12/8/2012, which stated:
Thank you for your inquiry. Currently the PayAnywhere app is only available for Apple, Android and Blackberry devices. We are looking to add Windows phones, however there is not a scheduled date. Please continue to check the site for more information when this is available.
More info: PayAnywhere official website
Bottom Line
Windows Phone users will have to wait a little longer for a card reader to come to their mobile device. There are apps currently in the marketplace which allow you to accept credit cards by manually entering in the numbers, which isn’t the most palatable solution – but a solution nonetheless.
With all four of these mobile card readers jockeying for position as the de facto product, Windows Phone users are waiting for one of them to enter their uncontested market as a way to gain some new customers. Or perhaps a more likely scenario is that Microsoft will lobby one of them to throw us a bone.
I suggest contacting all of them to let them know that an untapped and growing Windows Phone market is waiting. If they don’t hear from Windows Phone users, they will have no reason to offer a product for the platform.
Give us your thoughts! If you have any additional information, please comment below.