
Cat’s Meow Review

Cat’s Meow Review

Cat’s Meow is a cat toy advertised on television. Read our Cat’s Meow review from editors and readers.

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About Cat’s Meow

Cat’s Meow is a toy which is said to mimic the action of a rodent scurrying underneath a nylon cover. This is achieved by a ball attached to a wand controlled by a battery-operated motor.

How much does Cat’s Meow cost?

Cat’s Meow costs $19.99 plus $9.95 processing and handling for a total cost of $29.94. This includes two units, without additional shipping for the second unit.

(Note in 2013 the cost was $19.99 plus $7.99 P&H. The second “free” unit was an extra $7.99. This pricing changed in early 2014)

Cat's Meow Review

This is the Cat’s Meow website as of February 2014

Our Cat’s Meow Review

We tested out a Cat’s Meow with two cats over a 7-day period. As with many cat toys, our cats seemed interested initially, but lost interest after a few days.

Not all cats play the same, nor do they all play like the ones depicted in the television ad below. For example, one of our cats didn’t just play with the toy, he literally assaulted the Cat’s Meow and managed to drag it around the house, nearly destroying it. The other cat watched it with interest, but she never actually played with it. Their initial interest in the toy was short-lived. Again, not all cats are the same. Yours may not lose interest as quickly.

Materials: Initially we had few problems with operation or breakage, although the unit didn’t strike us as crafted from particularly high-quality materials. After a few days, however, the Cat’s Meow was damaged beyond repair by our aggressive male cat.

Billing complaints. We have had complaints from consumers regarding the billing process when ordering online. In some cases, confusion in the online ordering process has led multiple orders being placed. You can find a couple of these complaints over on Ripoff Report.

Television commercial 

Below is a television commercial that has been airing – mostly on weekends – since April 2013.

Text of the above commercial

Your cat gets bored and wants to play, but that can spell trouble when you’re away. Introducing Cat’s Meow, the exciting new cat toy that keeps your kitty entertained at play both night and day. Just press the button and watch Cat’s Meow silently attract your pet instantly as she tries to catch the peekaboo wand. No matter what their age, cats love to stalk and pounce on prey. It’s a natural instinct that won’t go away. Just like scurrying mouse, Cat’s Meow swings back and forth, peeking in and out of the carousel cover with random movements. It speeds up and slows down, then it surprises the kitty by changing directions when you least expect it, so your cat will never get bored. Now you see it, now you don’t. Come one or come all. It’s so crazy, your cats will go crazy for Cat’s Meow. Older cats can get fat and lazy, and that’s not healthy. With Cat’s Meow, your cat is so active, you’ll turn lazy kitty into crazy kitty. No matter how old or slow, your cat will be as playful as a kitten. Made of durable nylon, Cat’s Meow will last for years. Even when your cat catches the mouse, Cat’s Meow just keeps on running. Battery operated, Cat’s Meow operates anywhere your cat likes to play. You’ll enjoy hours of fun watching your cat and mouse. Cat’s Meow gives kitty a place to play and stops them from tearing away. Now order your very own Cat’s Meow for the special TV price of just $19.99. Let your kitty enjoy hours of Cat’s Meow fun. But wait. Call right now and you’ll get a second Cat’s Meow free, just play separate processing and handling. Cat’s Meow is the perfect gift for every cat lover. You get it all: 2 Cat’s Meows for $19.99, so call or click now.

Bottom Line

If you believe your cat would play with the Cat’s Meow without quickly losing interest, it may be an option to consider, but we feel it’s somewhat expensive for a cat toy of questionable construction. Local pet stores are filled with cat toys from a wide variety of price ranges, none of which require shipping costs or a month-long wait to receive. If you really want to try Cat’s Meow, it is available in many stores in the As Seen on TV section.

Your Cat’s Meow Review

What has been your experience with Cat’s Meow cat toy? Let us hear from you in the comments below.


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