
RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1 Review (2016 Update)

RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1 Review (2016 Update)

Reviews of RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1, a natural dietary supplement that supposedly helps people lose weight by operating on a hormonal level.

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About Weight Loss Formula No. 1

Weight Loss Formula No. 1, a natural supplement for losing weight, seems to be a flagship product from  The ads and website are both fronted by Dr. Steven Sisskind, who does appear to be a real doctor, but it’s unclear if his involvement in the company is as a paid spokesman or direct contributor.

The supplement apparently includes several obscure herbs as primary ingredients which we have listed below along with their purported effects:

  • Blend of Piper Betle leaf and Dolichos Biflorus seed extract – The Realdose website claims that these ingredients work on a hormonal level to increase adiponectin while decreasing ghrelin levels. Increasing adiponectin is supposed to burn more fat cells while decreasing ghrelin is supposed to reduce feelings of hunger. Lower body fat is claimed to be the end result.
  • Decaffeinated Green Coffee Bean extract – It is claimed that this ingredient inhibits ingested carbohydrates from converting into fats. This is apparently accomplished by blocking glucose absorption which causes the body to utilize fat for energy instead of sugar.
  • Siberian Rhodiola Rosea – This ingredient is supposed to reduce stress, anxiety, and cortisol levels. Ultimately, it is alleged to reduce craving and belly fat caused by cortisol. Some readers may be interested in our article on Rhodiola Benefits and Side Effects.

A “thermonutrient called Bioprene” is also added, which supposedly increases absorption.

A bottle of RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1 contains a 30-day supply of 90 capsules. Instructions say to take 1 capsule three times a day a half hour before meals.

The RealDose website is filled with glowing reviews of their products, yet there have been several disclaimers on the site over the years. An earlier version of the disclaimer preceded several reviews on the website front page, and has been quoted below:

* Disclaimer: Results are not typical. The results observed are not associated with the effects of Weight Loss Formula No. 1 alone. You will only get results with this product if you combine it with a healthy diet and exercise program. Results may vary from individual to individual. This statement has not been evaluated by any government organization.

By 2016, the disclaimer changed to read:

*Disclaimer: Results are not typical. Expected results are based on separate double-blind, placebo-controlled human studies on the two primary ingredients in RealDose™ Weight Loss Formula No. 1. In one study, those taking one ingredient daily for 8 weeks as part of a low-calorie diet and moderate exercise program lost 2.4 times as much weight than those taking a placebo pill (1.2 pounds vs. 0.5 pounds per week, on average). In another study, those taking the second ingredient daily for 60 days as part of a low-calorie diet program lost over twice as much as those taking a placebo pill (1.3 pounds vs. 0.6 pounds per week, on average).

Another disclaimer appears at the very bottom of the website. The original version read: “*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

The version in 2016 reads:

The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your doctor. was the official product website for years. It was created on March 15, 2011. That domain now forwards to, which was registered in December 2011. The domain has also been used in advertising.

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How Much Does RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1 Cost?

RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1 is available to order on the product website, as well as

Below is price breakdown for various amounts of the supplement:

If you purchase a one-time delivery, the prices are:

  • A 30-day supply costs $67.
  • A 90-day supply costs $59 per bottle.
  • A 180-day supply costs $55 per bottle.

If you elect to have the “AutoRefill” option – meaning they’ll bill and ship until you cancel, the prices are:

  • A 30-day supply costs $60.
  • A 90-day supply costs $53 per bottle.
  • A 180-day supply costs $47 per bottle.

The product website claims that they offer free shipping to costumers in the United States and Canada.

According to the website Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), estimated shipping time within the continental United States is 3-5 business days.

Purchase of Weight Loss Formula No. 1 from the product website includes an Unconditional 365-day Money-Back Guarantee.

RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1 Reviews

For a product that has been on the market for several years, it is surprisingly difficult to find objective online reviews of Weight Loss Formula No. 1. Aside from the hundreds of comments found on this site, the next best place to look for online user reviews is Amazon, where 182 customers have given the product a collective rating of 2.3 stars out of 5. These reviews seem to be truly mixed with 41% of users awarding the product with 5 stars while 18% of users have awarded it 1 star. While the 5 star reviews are glowing endorsements which claim that the product works just as advertised, the biggest negative complaints from reviewers is that the product had no effect at all.

The FAQ for the Weight Loss Formula No. 1 claims that customers can lose up to 2 pounds per week. Since RealDose also advises that users eat a healthy diet and practice a regular exercise program, it seems appropriate to question whether any weight loss achieved while taking the formula could potentially be due to other lifestyle improvements.

The RealDose website cites several studies to back up their product claims, yet these studies include a few experiments carried out on the specific individual ingredients contained within Weight Loss Formula No. 1, and not on the supplement itself.

Overall, it should be noted that RealDose maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and has kept that rating almost constantly since our first review 4 years ago.

User Reviews Update

Due to the large number of comments below, we attempted to consolidate the discussion into a more compact format by including only those comments by readers who have actually used the product. As of that update, we found that RealDose received 55% positive reviews and 45% negative/neutral reviews. See: RealDose Reviews: 2013 Update

General Weight Loss Tips

If you’ve been following a particular weight loss system, but you’re still having problems, here are a few suggestions to fine-tune your program and give you a better chance at success. Let’s take a look at some simple solutions to those problems, so that if you want to stick with one of those programs, you still can.

Have a free day or free hour.

Several systems want you to be rigid except for a “free” time, hour, day, etc. People will often cram as many calories into their bodies as they can during this time, destroying the progress they achieved since their last “free” time. Have a couple of free meals a week instead. Go to a buffet, restaurant, or even fast food location. Have your meal, enjoy a soda or beer, even add a desert, and then stop. You’ll feel good about your meal, and then later you will feel good that you didn’t continue eating. Don’t feel guilty about what you ate. It also allows you the flexibility to go out on a whim, or along with friends. Just make sure you aren’t doing it more than a couple times a week. You will be able to enjoy your meal without guilt, knowing you have stuck to your guns all week.

You should only drink water

If you find water pleasant enough to drink, that’s great. Try various brands of water for the one you find the best tasting, then stock your fridge with bottles of that brand. When you’re thirsty and open the fridge, a nice cold bottle of water might just sound great. Many people don’t find water palatable enough to drink 24/7, or at least need to adjust to drinking only water, and for those people there are options. Diet sodas are OK, but because of some lingering health questions about their sweeteners, try not to go overboard. You may want to rotate between different artificial sweeteners so you don’t get too much of any one of them. Diet Rite and Propel use Splenda (sucralose), while most other diet drinks use Aspartame. Drinking these in large quantities isn’t advisable, but they are fine in moderation. You may want to treat yourself once a day in the drink department, such as a diet soda. You’ll enjoy it far more than if you were to drink them all day long. Try to find ways to make water more palatable, too. Ice-cold water seems to “taste” better than room temperature water. Try adding a twist of lemon. Tea is also a great no-calorie drink. If you can drink it unsweetened, you are ahead of the game. If not, try adding small quantities of sugar or a sugar substitute, but don’t go overboard. Remember that sugar is a form of carbohydrate, which will turn into fat if you consume too much. Be careful.

Daily Exercise

If you’re really gung-ho, go ahead and exercise 6 days a week, but don’t feel guilty if you tire of this schedule and scale back to a few days a week. And make sure to rotate through various body parts, giving ample rest to each one throughout the week. If you’re not excited about exercising, start exercising moderately 3 days a week. If you’re willing and able, move up from there to 4 days a week. Then up to 5 or 6 if you want. But if 3 days is as much as you can put into it, be happy with that. Even 2 days a week would benefit you. Don’t feel that exercise is an all-or-nothing undertaking. Do what you can, when you can. Any exercise is better than none. Combined with the diet, the pounds will come off easily if you are consistent. Under the other systems you are a failure for “only” putting in 3 days a week. It is also not a good idea to jump right into a rigorous exercise regimen. Start off slowly. Even if you’re young, you should run your exercise plan by your doctor. It sounds cliché, but if your health is the main priority, why not?

If you find yourself doing a 2-day or 3-day program, don’t worry. It just adds a little more importance to your diet program, as you are burning less calories per week.

You can transform your body in a few weeks

The idea is to get in shape, to lose weight, and to hopefully add some muscle. If you start off with those six-pack abs in mind, you are setting yourself up to fail. Progress will come in small steps. You might lose as much as 2 pounds a week, but aim for a pound a week. Your first week you might lose a lot of weight, which is to be expected, typically in the form of retained water. Don’t ever think that losing a pound a week is a failure. This isn’t The Biggest Loser TV show, where people under grueling regimens lose 8 pounds a week. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. You are making life-long changes. Two pounds is the upper limits of what you should lose in a week. That means your body is experiencing a net loss of 1000 calories a day, and that’s a lot, especially if you only need around 2000 calories to survive. Eat six small meals a day rather than a few large meals.

Keep your carbs low, protein high, fat low

That’s a lot to think about. It’s also largely unnecessary in many cases. Carbs, fat, and protein are all forms of calories. It seems absurd to only watch one form of calorie or worse, to consume too much of one type while cutting back too much on another. By looking at the big picture, we’ll keep all of them in check without having to look at each one individually. While there is some evidence that cutting carbs short-term results in more weight loss, long term there is probably no weight loss benefit, and perhaps even some potential problems if you cut them too much.

In short, if you’re following a weight loss system and you’re struggling with success, take a look at ways such as the ones above in which you can tweak it to fine tune it to your own needs. The authors of those systems want you to stick to them by the letter, but in the real world only you know what you’re capable of achieving.

Bottom Line

RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1 is a natural dietary supplement that is supposed to aid in loss of weight by affecting hormones associated with hunger, fat usage, and stress. Weight Loss Formula No. 1 appears to have mixed reviews from online users. Roughly half of these reviews are glowing endorsements, while the other half claim that it had no effects. Although some science experiments do appear to support the claims related to the individual ingredients contained within this supplement, there are no legitimate science studies which have specifically studied RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1.

Your Turn

Have you tried RealDose Weight Loss Formula No. 1? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.

Updated April 14, 2016
Originally published May 2012

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