
Wipe New Reviews: How Well Does It Work?

Wipe New Reviews: How Well Does It Work?

Wipe New is a car detailing product which is advertised on television. It promising a new shine to your car that lasts for years. Read our Wipe New reviews from editors and readers, plus additional product information.

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About Wipe New

Wipe New has been advertised on television since mid-2012, and has been available in stores since early 2013. The product tagline is “Wipe the years away from your car!” The official website is, which was registered in February 2012.

How much does Wipe New cost?

Purchasing Wipe New online will cost you $19.99 plus $7.99 shipping & processing for a total of $27.98. There is a 2-year money back guarantee, and expected shipping time is about 10 days.

Take note that when you order online, a “Bonus Pro Detail Kit” will also be added to your order for an additional $7.99, bringing your total to $35.97. There is an option to remove this kit from your cart before ordering. Also keep in mind that when ordering online, you will be offered additional products as “upsells” before you can check out.

Wipe New is readily available in stores such as Kmart, Target, and Walmart for about $15 to $20.

Wipe New Television Commercial

Below is a television commercial for Wipe New, which has been running since 2012:

Transcript of Wipe New television commercial:

Tired of faded bumpers, foggy headlights, weathered sun-damaged vehicles? You’ve spent time and money applying product again and again to hide those embarrassing parts on your car only to have that work fade away. Not anymore! Introducing “Wipe New,” the world’s longest-lasting solution for restoring and protecting your vehicle and we guarantee it to last for years. Just apply Wipe New once. It’s quick and easy to do. Just one swipe and watch your car turn showroom new!  “I’ve been a professional auto detailer for 30 years. Now I restore faded plastic rather than just clean it and I do it in no time at all. I apply Wipe New to bumpers, side panels, even dashes and interior plastic. Simply apply it once and it lasts for years. Wipe New is the most revolutionary car care product that I’ve used my entire detailing career.”  We applied Wipe New to the driver side of this vehicle. We then sent this car through over 100 powerful car washes. Wipe New never faded or washed away, proving that the results will last for years of real-world environmental exposure. “I don’t think I ever seen it brand new. I got it about two years old and I’ve never seen it shine like this.”  And we guarantee it to last for years. Use it on bumpers, decorative outside panels, side view mirrors, even vinyl or leather car seats, for a protected showroom new shine. Don’t spend a fortune on temporary fixes, order the revolutionary Wipe New for only $19.99. But wait, order now and we’ll double the size. That’s enough for two cars. There’s still more, order now and get the pro detailing kit with the headlight applicator bonus. Just pay separate shipping and processing. That’s right, Wipe New restores your headlights too. Order now and get it all plus a 2-year guarantee, a $50 value for only $19.99. Order now! 

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Our Wipe New Review

We picked up a bottle of Wipe New at a local Kmart in August 2013. Our immediate reaction upon opening the package was that the bottle seemed rather small, especially given the large amount of real estate the photo of the bottle takes up on the website. While the photo on the official website shows a massive bottle towering over the other images on the page, a bottle of Wipe New is only 1.5 ounces, which doesn’t seem like much for $20. It looks more like a sampler bottle than a full-sized product.

We found that Wipe New did perform well, perhaps slightly better than we experienced with similar, less expensive products from the car detailing section of most stores. While we were pleased with the shine provided by Wipe New, it did fade over time, thus not lasting years as advertised.

There is a curing period of about 24 hours after applying Wipe New, and there are rather detailed instructions which we urge you to follow carefully in order to achieve proper results with this product. It would be easy to apply the product improperly if the instructions were not followed as written.

It appears that unhappy customers have one of three complaints: those dissatisfied with the ordering/billing/shipping process, those who felt the product simply didn’t work, and those who felt the cost-to-size ratio was not in the customer’s favor.

The instructions for using the product properly are quite detailed, and it is possible that some negative reviews are the result of customers not applying the product properly.

We found that when we applied Wipe New to the car’s interior that the fumes were rather strong. Our $20 bottle of Wipe New was not enough to clean an entire vehicle inside and out. This will vary, depending on how much trim and plastic interior you intend to treat.

Perhaps an important point to note, which some potential customers have missed, is that Wipe New is not intended to be used on paint. The product FAQ states, “Application to a painted surface is not an advertised use for Wipe New and is done so at the vehicle owner’s sole risk. Wipe New’s Protection Guarantee does not extend to the use of Wipe New on painted surfaces.”

To reiterate, Wipe New is only intended to be used on non-painted areas such as trim and dashboard.

Other Wipe New Reviews

  • In May 2013, ABC affiliate WVEC (13 News Now) out of Norfolk, VA reviewed the product and was “impressed.” That review is no longer online.
  • Walmart customers give the product an average of 4.2 stars out of 5 stars.
  • Over 800 reviewers on Amazon give Wipe New an average of 4.2 stars out of 5 stars.

Ripoff Report

That there are several reports on Ripoff Report regarding Wipe New, with complaints ranging from advertising to hidden fees. You may want to peruse these before ordering online.

Google Trends History

The Google Trends graph below show interest in Wipe New over time. Interest in the product appears to have peaked in October 2012, and seems to have gradually declined since then.

Bottom Line

Wipe New provided a new shine to our car, but we felt that the amount of product for the price was too small, and the benefit did not match the hype of the the advertising. Nearly a year and a half after our original evaluation, there is no hint of our Wipe New treatment remaining. That said, picking it up locally for about $15 and following the directions carefully will likely give you a pretty good shine on your vehicle’s non-painted areas.

Your Wipe New Reviews

Have you used Wipe New? Let us hear from you in the comments below.

Updated January 22, 2015
Originally published August 2013

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