
Rabbit TV Reviews

Rabbit TV Reviews

Rabbit TV is advertised as a way to receive over 5000 free internet TV channels and 50,000 movies from a simple USB device. Read our Rabbit TV reviews from editors and readers.

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About Rabbit TV was registered on March 17, 2010. The cost of the USB unit is $10 per year plus $6.99 shipping and handling (reduced from 7.99 shipping in early 2013). It is available for Mac or PC, and they offer a second unit for another $6.99 shipping. This is a subscription service, so keep in mind that if you purchase Rabbit TV – and find yourself not using it – they will charge your card the following year after you have long forgotten about it.

Rabbit TV can now be found in stores such as Walmart or CVS.

They list their contact info as:

Telebrands Customer Care
79 Two Bridges Road
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Toll Free #: 1-855-235-2084

Below is a screen shot of, taken in February 2014:


How many “good” channels are on Rabbit TV?

Keep in mind that you are buying access to “internet TV stations” and not traditional television channels. Also note that the 5000 number they keep tossing around (it was 2000 in early 2013) is heavily padded by foreign channels of low quality and interest. You also shouldn’t expect to find much unique content that you can’t already access. Many of the “channels” listed are dead links or merely descriptions of shows, without links to actually watch them.

Rabbit TV Software

We found the Rabbit TV software to be lack user friendliness. The navigation system is confusing and clunky, and you’ll often find yourself staring at a menu in another language. Some of their menu options point to websites that no longer exist. One more than one occasion, the software froze or locked up the computer completely. Problems with the software are so widespread that typing in “Rabbit TV” in Google will yield a suggestion of “Rabbit TV not working.”

Here’s the Rabbit TV commercial:

You already have this content

Rabbit TV doesn’t provide you with anything you can’t already access. Yes, all of these “internet TV stations” are already there for you to watch. All Rabbit TV does is create a rudimentary menu in order to find them, and even then you will have a hard time finding much quality content. If you want to watch the best of internet television, you can simply visit such websites as Hulu, Netflix, Youtube, and official websites of your favorite shows or news stations. For most viewers, that would mean about 50 websites or less. Why sift through 5000 foreign or non-existent websites on a confusing Rabbit TV menu when you can simply visit the websites for shows you want to watch in the first place?

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Is Rabbit TV a scam?

While we wouldn’t classify Rabbit TV as a scam, we certainly do not feel it offers much value. A scam would imply some sort of deception or dishonesty were taking place, and Rabbit TV is upfront about the cost and the fact that you are getting internet TV stations. 

Bottom Line

Rabbit TV is a rudimentary menu of video that can be easily found with any web browser. While the concept sounds great, this product delivers little value, and it is easier to simply browse the web for video yourself.

Your Rabbit TV Reviews

Have you used Rabbit TV or a similar device? Let us hear from you in the comments below.

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