
Tummy Tuck Belt Reviews 2015: Does it Work?

Tummy Tuck Belt Reviews 2015: Does it Work?

Tummy Tuck Belt is advertised as a “miracle slimming system” which can “slim away belly fat” in just 10 minutes a day. Here we offer our Tummy Tuck Belt reviews from editors and readers.

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About Tummy Tuck Belt

If we are to believe the website and infomercial, those who own a Tummy Tuck Belt merely need to “…follow the 10 Minute Method twice per day. After the 10 minutes, you can take off the belt. This starts the fat reducing process that lasts for several hours.” It is also claimed that a typical wearer will see a one-inch difference in the first 30 days, without any change in lifestyle. It is further claimed that the Tummy Tuck system “ignites a fat-burning chain reaction” that works “long after you’ve taken off the belt.”

The official website, seen in the February 2014 screen capture below, is, which was registered on June 17, 2010.

tummy tuck belt review

How much does Tummy Tuck Belt cost?

Online: Tummy Tuck Belt is $39.98 plus $9.83 shipping and handling. A 30-day supply of the “Thermal Accelerator Cream” is $24.99 plus $3.99 shipping and handling. Their “standard” shipping takes 2 weeks, so upgrading to 3-5 day shipping adds another $14.95.

When you purchase the Tummy Tuck Belt, you are automatically enrolled in their auto-ship program which sends you a two-month supply of the cream for $19.99 per month, plus another $6.99 shipping. This is $46.97 every two months.

In Stores: At some point in 2014, the Tummy Tuck Belt became available in stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond for about $36.

Beware of Auto-ship

When you order from the official Tummy Tuck Belt website, you’ll notice the following in the product description:

Starting in 30 days, and then every other month, you’ll receive a 2 month supply of Thermal Accelerator cream for just $19.99 per month plus $6.99 shipping and handling charged to the same credit card you are using today. 

Clinical Studies

The Tummy Tuck website puts a good deal of emphasis on clinical studies performed by 2 universities. They do not tell us which universities performed these studies or where the results were published. We reached out to them for more information on these studies, and their reply stated:

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding Tummy Tuck. The studies were conducted independently by two medical universities. Because its independent testing, we are not allowed to disclose the names of the universities. All I’m able to disclose is that they are prominent medical universities located in Southern California. If you have any additional questions please reply directly to this email. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

The Catch

The Tummy Tuck system includes cream to be rubbed on your stomach, in addition to simply wearing the belt. As stated above, this is where the “catch” lies if you aren’t careful. You will automatically receive additional cream in the mail every other month, charged to your card, until you call and cancel. Consider their terms and conditions which you must agree to when ordering:

Customers who have enrolled in our Continuity Essential Boost or Thermal Accelerator Cream automatic ongoing shipments programs will receive their first Continuity shipment in 30 days, and then every other month. Essential Boost customers will receive a full 60 day supply of Essential Boost at the reserved price of $19.99 per month, plus $6.99 shipping and handling. Thermal Accelerator Cream customers will receive a full 60 day supply of Thermal Accelerator Cream at the reserved price of $19.99 per month, plus $6.99 shipping and handling. Customers may cancel all future shipments at any time by calling Savvier’s customer service center at 800-305-8988. To receive a refund on a shipment made prior to cancellation, just return the merchandise, as mentioned earlier in this Satisfaction Guarantee.

Other Tummy Tuck Belt Reviews

From users we have spoken to and from other reviewers online, it appears that some customers feel the Tummy Tuck Belt does work, but those endorsements typically come from people who also altered their diet and increased exercise. For those who merely applied the cream and wore the belt, the results have been less enthusiastic  This of course stands to reason that diet and exercise – with or without the belt – would yield better results.

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According to Livestrong“Since weight loss belts do not burn calories, you will not lose fat around the abdomen.”

The product can be found on Amazon, and as of July 2015, has 49% one-star reviews out of 550+ total, with a 2.5-star rating overall. The phrases “waste of money” and “does not work” are found in many of these reviews.

Google History

The trends chart below shows interest via Google searches for the Tummy Tuck Belt. The product began to surge in mid-2011, peaking in mid-2012. Interest waned and leveled off by late 2013.

Bottom Line

Aside from surgery, the only way to lose fat is to burn calories than you consume. Wearing a belt and applying cream to your stomach will not reduce fat, regardless of the anonymous studies they claim back this product. The Tummy Tuck Belt commercials assert that wearing the belt can also act as a girdle by instantly tucking in your belly fat, which is probably accurate. That still doesn’t mean the claims that it “melts away” fat are true.

Slimming belts such as the Tummy Tuck Belt have been around for ages, and the claims made by other belt manufacturers were the target of charges filed by the Federal Trade Commission in 2002. Read more here.

An infomercial citing anonymous “studies” for a product that has already been targeted by the FTC doesn’t sound like a good investment. Neither does signing up for an auto-ship program for creams by the same company.

If you want to try the Tummy Tuck Belt, we recommend purchasing it locally to avoid the auto-ship program and shipping costs.

Your Tummy Tuck Belt Reviews

Have you used the Tummy Tuck Belt or a similar device? Give us your reviews in the comments below.

Updated July 11, 2015
Originally published January 2013

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