
Side Socket Review and Product Info

Side Socket Review and Product Info

Side Socket is a swiveling power strip designed to save space and organize your cords. Read our Side Socket reviews from editors and readers.

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About Side Socket

Side Socket is sold through the official website, which was registered on July 21, 2011. It is registered to Allstar Marketing Group, LLC, which is involved with other “As Seen on TV” products such as Hot Buns, Snuggie, Forever Comfy, and Magic Mesh.

The packaging states that it “conforms to ANSI / UL STD NQ 498A.” It is made in China and is only for indoor use.

How much does Side Socket cost?

Side Socket costs $10.00 plus $7.95 processing and handling for a total of $17.95.  They offer a “free” second one for another $7.95 P&H, but you cannot opt out of this second free unit online. Thus, you can expect to pay $25.90 from the website.

Shipping takes 2-6 weeks, and an additional $10 is added if you want it shipped to Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, US Virgin Islands, or Alaska.

Adding the surge protection option is $10 extra, and this option isn’t given to you until after you’ve given your credit card information. The commercial only shows the surge-protected model, but does mention that it’s an option: “Equipped with optional anti-surge protection…” (See embedded video at bottom)

There is a lifetime warranty and a 30-day money back guarantee (minus P&H).

Side Socket is now available in stores, and a local As Seen on TV store told us it is one of their most popular items. We found a Side Socket with surge protection locally for $12.99. There is also an “Elite” version with 8 plugs and a rating of 2500 joules, which we found for $24.99.

Below is the Side Socket we purchased locally for $12.99.


Our Side Socket Review

We picked up a Side Socket locally and put it to use here behind a computer workstation. We found that the idea behind the Side Socket is a good one, but the product is not without problems. Moreover, poor marketing and customer service make this a lesser option than competing products. Here are the pros and cons we found:

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  • Provides 6 outlets
  • It does swivel as depicted
  • Side access is convenient


  • The advertising shows the upgraded $20 model, but only mentions the $10 price. Many consumers have been upset when they found that the model shown in the ads is more than $10.
  • We found that our cords still fell to the floor, making the organization aspect exaggerated.
  • It’s only available in white, which didn’t match our all-black color scheme.
  • Some common adapters are wider than the Side Socket itself, meaning it may not be fully flush with the wall when some adapters are used.
  • Online ordering and shipping are confusing
  • Customer service is sometimes difficult to reach
  • Using the Side Socket only really provided about an extra inch of space, if that. This hardly makes a room seem bigger, as advertising would have us believe.


We’ve heard several complaints from consumers who have purchased this product, primarily related to the ordering and shipping process. The ordering form is unclear and some have claimed to have been charged for units they did not want.

Most complaints revolve around the $20 surge protection option, which is not clearly explained in the ads.

Bottom Line

The marketing has a bait and switch feel to it. While we only see the $20 Side Socket in the ads, we’re only given the price of the $10 model.

Side Socket looks great and seems to address a common problem, but the reality of the product doesn’t appear to provide as much benefit as the commercial depicts, with only about an inch of wall space saved in our case.

We recommend going to a local Home Depot or Lowe’s and looking at the alternatives, many of which you can find for under $20 with no shipping. Or, if you simply must have a Side Socket, purchase it locally at an “As Seen on TV” section in such stores as Walgreens or CVS. You should be able to find two versions with surge protection.

Your Side Socket Reviews

Have you ordered or used Side Socket? Let us hear from you in the comments below.

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