The past month has seen a major push to make Windows Phone a serious competitor in the mobile phone market with the launch of Windows Phone 8 and new, sleek Nokia phones. A major complaint about Windows Phone has been a lack of apps, but news today indicates that the Windows Phone store has seen a 40% increase in app submissions. With (hopefully) a slew of new apps in the Windows Store, we want to know which apps YOU would like to see most for Windows Phone.
Angry Birds Rio/Seasons. It’s great that Angry Birds, Space, and Star Wars all exist on the WP8. The Angry Birds Roost “hub” is also a nice little plus for Nokia users… but lacking any titles in this series isn’t good.
- Google+. There is an “app” which is merely a link to the mobile site, and users aren’t fooled. A true mobile app would be divine.
- Hulu. Despite discussion of a Hulu app for Windows phone, we have yet to see one.
- Instagram. The popularity of Instagram on Android and iOS are indications that this would probably do well on WP8.
- Mobile Credit Card Reader. This has been a deal-breaker for some users. Hopefully Microsoft can sway one of the big players in this market to commit. See our full article here.
- Pandora. Users of this internet radio service are rather faithful to their service, so this is probably a necessity to most Pandora fans.
- Skype. Ok, there IS a Skype app for Windows Phone 8, but… it’s horribly buggy, users can’t even sign out of the app, and many have claimed that the separation between Skype contacts and phone contacts is confusing. Because Microsoft owns Skype, a buggy app is as good as no app. This needs to be fixed!
- Spotify. Though there are other excellent music services available to WP 8 users, fans of Spotify will be satisfied with nothing less. The existence of a Windows 7 app is cause for hope that it’s only a matter of time on this one.
- TweetDeck. This would be a nice addition, though thankfully there is a decent alternative in TweetCaster.
- Wells Fargo. While the mobile site works well for basic mobile banking, it doesn’t have all of the features of a full app. With apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Palm, one would imagine Windows Phone would be on the horizon.
- Words With Friends. This app exists for WP8, both free and ad-free (paid), but it is riddled with bugs to the point of being unplayable.
- YouTube. Though there is a YouTube “app” in the app store, it is really just a link to the mobile site. Fortunately, there is an app called Metrotube, which actually delivers a pretty solid YouTube experience.
We could go on, but we want to hear from you! What apps would you like to see for Windows Phone 8? Let us hear from you in the comments below?
Note: The info above is relevant as of 12/12/2012. If any of the apps in the list above see updates or additions to the Windows Phone Store, let us know!